| Family Dinners |

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Too say that Jason Todd had a complicated life would be an understatement. From coming back from the dead to passing out on the couch after having way to much instant noodles while binge watching the Jurassic Park movies, Jason had felt as if he had the right to say that he'd been through enough.

Although, out of all the challenges he had to face, all the complications and irritating set backs on the roller coaster called his life, facing his problematic family takes the cake. He loved them, and would probably sacrifice his life for them, but at the same time, he would wrangle them to the end for that last cookie in the jar.

So, when he had heard that two out of the three brothers he had were moving out a few years ago, he couldn't be happier.

After they had moved and settled in to new houses with their families, Jason had thought all his previous problems had run along with them.

Kapoosh! Never to be seen again!

Oh, how wrong had he been.

The moment after his older brother Richard, and younger brother Damian, moved out of the Wayne manor, his step-mother, Selina Kyle, had gotten all emotional and lovey-dovey and had arranged monthly family dinners so she didn't miss out on any of her children's life outside the manor.

In short, she knew she would get bored in the manor without them stirring trouble as always, I mean the lady was an ex-villain for crying out loud, she loved trouble.

And drama. She loved drama so damn much.

When they moved out, she acted as if they moved halfway across the world, when in reality, they were at least 10 to 15 minutes away! I could take my bike there!

I mean, Jason could handle it. It was just monthly family dinners right? It wouldn't compare to all the wasted food that had been thrown away by all their previous food fights back when they all lived together. But those dinners were daily, and they had all been young and reckless. They were more mature now.

At least, he'd like to think they did.

Jason just had to jinx his luck because the schedule for family dinners had drastically changed once Rachel gave birth to her newborn daughter almost six months ago

Otherwise known as the cutest baby he had ever seen.

And safe to say, he wasn't the only one who thought so. With her wide eyes she had inherited from her mother, although the emereld green in them was a trait she had gotten from her father. Selina had informed everyone that they would now have family dinners every Saturday night.

Every single week.

She gave the reason that the house was too quiet without them here, even though Jason knew the true reason was because she couldn't get enough of the latest family addition.

Jason didn't mind when his little baby niece visited, in fact, he begged his younger brother to allow him to babysit her whenever he heard they were going out.

Selina had always beat him to it though.

Jason snikered at the sight of his brothers crossed arms and his sister in laws bright smile as he opened the doors to the manor wide open, inviting them in, "Ah, looks like the guest of honour has finally arrived!"

Damian rolled his eyes at his brother that had opened the door, "Better late than never, Todd." He stride into the manor with confidence, his wife tailing behind him.

Rachel, that was now standing beside Damian gave Jason a soft smile, "Hi Jason," she greeted, her voice sweet and the smile never leaving her face.

That was one of the many reasons on why Jason liked his sister in law much much more than his brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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