Chapter 6

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(Slight Stormbringer Light Novel spoilers❗❗❗❗ Kinda)

Mari sighed for what felt like the umpteenth time as she drove, one hand coming up to massage her temple in attempts to soothe the impending headache. She drove through one of Yokohama's residential districts, her luxury black car catching some curious eyes as she headed straight towards the usual shop. Normally she would have a chauffeur driving her around, but after dealing with a certain man for over five hours straight, any sort of interaction might cause her to lose her composure, her father putting her in charge of a mentally unstable teenager really didn't help the situation as he takes residency in their home.

Well, more like her home at this point. Ever since her father became the new Port Mafia boss, he hasn't gone home to rest with all the work and paperwork that had piled up—she blames the former boss and his incompetence. He might have been a quite fighter, but a leader he was not—, and so he spends most of his nights trapped in his office while occasionally sleeping in the boss' quarters. At the very least there was Elise, whom she had charged with the task of making sure her father didn't work himself to death in her absence. Her younger brother had moved out soon after the new change of power within the PM, leaving her alone with a suicidal fourteen year old as he went to live with their mother, the prospect looking all the more tempting when the brunette managed to get ahold of her brother's prototype explosives.

Truly, it's a wonder how she's tolerated him for this long.

The sleek black car drove through the peaceful neighborhood street before arriving in front of one particular shop. The brick building housed an old pool hall and bar, the sign outside reading Old World, as its rustic style comes from it being the same as it was fifty years ago. Though, that being said, it wasn't exactly in the best of shape. She took note that the neon lights were off, so they hadn't opened quite yet.

After exiting the car, she heads over to the entrance while taking out a spare key a friend of hers gave her a while ago and opens the door to the pool hall.

The first thing she heard was the light chatter of Piano Man and Lippmann in one of their secluded tables for two, smiles on both of their faces before a booming laugh drew her attention. Her eyes immediately took notice of a certain blond, his boisterous voice resounding through the room as he talked with Doc and Iceman, the latter smoking his tenth cigarette of the day as he stared at the younger blankly.

The doctor was the first to notice her presence as he smiled, exposing his abnormally sharp, jagged teeth. "Ah, Mari! What a pleasant surprise."

The ravenette nodded at the surgeon, a ghost of a smile playing on her lips as they all turned their heads to her, causing Albatross to stop his rant for a moment—much to Iceman's relief. Suddenly a pair of arms embraced her from the front, eager yet gentle before settling them around her shoulders.

"Hey Mari. Didn't know you were going to come, you sure you didn't miss me~"

The girl rolled her eyes at the blond's gaudiness, but she didn't push him off. "No, but admittedly you are much better company than Ibuse." She grimaces with distaste, the lack of formalities when regarding her senior apparent. "So when presented with an opportunity to leave, I merely took advantage."

He huffed as they started to walk over to the lounge sofa, plopping down on the couch as Mari sat herself down by his side, but was soon pulled closer to him. "I need a drink..."

Albatross barked out a laugh, purposely ignoring the teasing look both Piano Man and Lipmann gave him. They of all people should not be talking. "Your usual?"

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