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As I walk, the outskirts of the city make way for dense forests. The dark pine trees loom above me. They appear unnatural. They all look alike and appear to be planted in a perfect grid. 

I shiver, thinking to myself that I should have brought a coat and gloves. Currently, I am only wearing a stylish black knit jumper, a black skirt, black stockings, and black shoes. As usual, the only non-black item I'm wearing is a white scarf. My jumper is decorated with a white storm cloud print, complete with yellow thunder and blue rain. 

Even though I spent a long time picking my outfit, I kind of regret my choice. I rub my hands together, desperately attempting to generate some warmth on this cold winter night. 

I pause for a moment to catch my breath. Despite the fact that Mephistopheles has granted me invulnerability, this does not include infinite endurance. Or resistance from the cold. 

I check my phone and look at the map. Apparently, I have already walked six kilometres; my destination is approximately five hundred metres away. I take a deep breath, cursing myself for not just stealing a car. Then again, stealing cars attracts attention, and not the kind I need at this moment. 

I decide to pull a sprint and run the last half kilometre. I can feel the cold air entering my lungs, burning my throat. 

After traversing the final canopy of trees, I arrive in front of a massive mansion. It looks old, maybe Victorian-style. The walls are bright white, as if made from marble, and decorated with pillars and intricate patterns. After walking through a dark forest for so long, my eyes hurt at the sight of the large white structure, illuminated by the full moon. 

There are many bushes around the house that I assume will bear many beautiful roses in the spring, but they look like ugly brown thorny messes right now. 

I take my phone and begin filming both myself and the large structure in the background. 

"Hello, my lovely followers. Stormcloud here." I tell the camera. "This is the home of the company owner. The renowned CEO of Miller Industries. He refuses to close his factories, despite several deadly incidents. So today, we're going to pay him a visit. First, we are going to break into this mansion, and then---" 

I stare at the camera, at a loss for words. I am unsure what to actually do when I find them. "What is my plan?" I think to myself. "Kill him? Threaten him? Force him to close his factory? But how? I really don't know." 

I shrug. "We can work out the details later. The first order of the day is to actually get in." 

I walk backwards to the door, keeping both myself and the structures in frame. I walk over to the massive wooden door. 

I press my hand against the solid door, sensing the lock. Not magnetic. Of course. My luck had run out at some point. 

I smile, even though my viewers can't see it through the scarf, and look into the camera. "Because the lock is not magnetic, I can't enter through the front door. But, as the supervillain I am, I can change my plans on the fly. I am confident I can find another way in." 

I scan the mansion with my eyes and notice that one of the first-floor windows is slightly open. I point the camera at it. 

"Look at that window over there," I tell my viewers. That is how we get in. It shouldn't be difficult to climb there and force myself in." 

I grab some of the extruding decorations and try to pull myself up using my hands. I manage to lift my body slightly off the ground, but my hand slips, and I fall. 

I brush off my clothes while cursing. Do I really lack the grip strength to climb a metre or two? 

I make a running start and jump. This works better. I successfully grab the window sill. I flail my legs for a while, but I eventually find a place to put them. I climb on the sill, pushing and kicking my feet against the wall. 

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