chapter one

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It all started in a kingdom called Antarvio, a kingdom that flourished beyond all others it was a kingdom ruled by gods and demigods themselves. King Caesaro IV the king at the time and a demi god had ruled with excellence until a day came when he felt signs of his early departure, one of his best advisors and friend advised he marry a wife, he agreed but he did so in haste. He married a woman  who he did not love and neither did she love him. The king got a son from a concubine, he called that son Antony.

Later on he got another son from his wife who he called Leonard, the secret had met the ears of Caesaro's advisor and he was not happy. Later on the king died and his children taken in by his advisor, the wife left her child and left the village. By now Antony was eighteen and Leo seventeen.


Jasmine: how are you doing?

Lorelei: I am fine and you?

Jasmine: [sits] I am fine, there is something I have to tell you, [inhales] the crown prince has asked that the girls of your age should have gone to the castle before sun down.

Lorelei: [calmly] I'm .... Not going.

[Her father Gustav burst in with anger written all over his face]

Gustav: [growls] you are going to the castle. NOW!!

Lorelei: Father I said I'm not going, mother isn't well and you want me to leave her to someone who doesn't know my name even when you know you won't take care of her?

Gustav: is this what you have been teaching her?

Jasmine: my lord please let me talk to her, she is only sixteen

Gustav: your things are in the chariot already and the driver is there so I cannot send him away.

Jasmine:I know, my dear you know how your father is, t do what he says his bad energy is killing me

Lorelei: but what about you, he won't take care of you and you know that besides, I don't like the way he treats the people around him

Jasmine: for my sake? Take this idol, it protected me it will protect you.

Lorelei: [takes the idol] if you believe in it then I will too.

[Gustav took his daughter Lorelei by her hand and pulled her into the chariot. Soon they arrived at the castle]

Gustav: behave here, the king will kill you. He doesn't take things lightly like I do.

Lorelei: [scoffs, under her breath] you are both the same.

[They both entered the castle, they met Leo seating on the throne with an evil grin on his face, and he stands to meet them].

Leo: Gustav, it has been long.

Gustav: My king [bows] same here

Leo: Your daughter can't express her loyalty?

Gustav: My king she isn't feeling too well at the moment, please give her time.

Leo: I will have to take it lightly now but anymore and I'll have no choice but to send her on exile.

Gustav: Thank you, you are indeed as merciful as they say. I will take my leave now. [Leaves]

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