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Jared was walking down the beach doing his morning run before he gets to work. There was a revolting smell that he hasn’t smelt ever. As he turned to his left, he spotted a house, that was on a little island.

Completely stranded, the house looked like as if it; has been pulled out under water from decades of resting beneath the ocean’s surface. The white paint on the house was disintegrating leaving only freckles of white. Crows on top of the house seeking refuge, an eerie atmosphere enveloping the house itself. Left by a singe of mystery.

Jared stared at the house for a moment, wanting to go for a brief exploration. Because there is no other house like this. And he was curious to explore it. So, then he wandered up to the dock, and began to dawdle towards the home. The house was grumbling with creeks.

Jared knocked on the door, and then again stupidly as if anyone would answer. He put his hand on the rusty, and dusty door handle, first not budging. And then it opened, the door moved aside. There was debris scattering the house floor, paintings knocked down onto the ground, some grass growing on the floor, and mould coursing down the walls, producing the unpleasant pungent smell. The door behind him forcefully slams behind him. As he turned around, no one was there, he ran up to the door, trying to open it. It won’t budge.

Someone trapped him in, an eerie chill stretched on Jared’s neck leveling down his back, and afterwards it arose on his forearms. A noise of sudden footsteps appeared behind him, he swiftly turned around, 'Who’s there?’ Jared yells, walking slowly further into the house. As he was walking down, there was a basement trap door, leading underneath the house.

He bent down, grabbed the edges of the trap door, and lifted up pushing it to the back of the wall, as dust bursts out of the wood dancing down to the floor. Jared looked down, and couldn’t see anything because of it being completely pitch-black. Nothing, but a symphony of eeriness engulfing Jared . . . An inhumanly skinny hand came out of the basement, and grabbed him and got pulled in.

He woke up, to him he couldn’t tell if he was opening his eyes or not, everything was honeycombed in blackness anyways. A foul odour of what it appeared to be a dead animal’s rotting flesh. Jared searched his pockets, and found a lighter. He flipped the lighter switch, and it illuminated the darkness around him. He just has to get out before his lighter runs out.

Exactly, he doesn’t know when, it could take a short time until it runs off. He doesn’t know how much he used his lighter. ‘psst,’ a whisper behind him said. He turned around, to see who was there, there was no one. He felt drips of liquid coming from the ceiling, he looked up. And it was a creature, a human-like figure, with no face, but black wiry hair, hanging down her face, wearing a grey gown. Despite it having no face, it can speak. And then, the lighter blew out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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