~Chapter Five~

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(Now they're in college)

(Keefe's POV)

After Foster broke up with Fitz, we got a lot closer for the rest of high school. And she still hasn't found out my feelings for her, even as we're now in college together. I don't wanna put pressure on her, but... I need to confess soon, before college is over and we barely see each other as adults. Then I won't have any chance.

"Hey, Foster?" Keefe asked quietly. Sophie spun around and grinned at him.

"Yeah? What's up?" Sophie replied. Keefe was just about to blurt it out when Biana came giggling and squealing as she jumped up and down. Sophie grabbed Biana's shoulders to stop her.

"What happened?" Sophie asked.

"A boy wants to ask you out!" Biana squealed.

"Who is he?" Sophie pressed.

"Dex." She said, jumping up and down again. Sophie's eyes widened.

"But... We're just friends." Sophie whispered, making Biana stop jumping from shock.

"Seriously? You're gonna say no? You're so boring!" Biana complained.

"Maybe, but... I'm waiting for the right one." Sophie whispered.


"Fine. I'll tell him you said no. But you better start using that cuteness of yours to get a boyfriend before I grab a random guy off the campus and drag him over to you." Biana warned.

"Okay, deal. Give me a couple weeks." Sophie replied. She shook Biana's hand, and Keefe couldn't help his jaw from dropping. If she was looking for a boyfriend... It would be even harder for her to see him. DANG IT!

He closed his jaw before Sophie could see him.

"Can you help me?" Sophie asked, spinning around to face him.

"Huh?" Keefe mumbled.

"Can you help me find a boyfriend?" Sophie repeated. Keefe chewed on his lip.

"Um... I guess." Keefe stuck his hands in his pockets so he wouldn't throw the pile of napkins off the table.

"Perfect. Thanks, Keefe. You're the best." Sophie whispered, hugging him tightly. Keefe's stomach fluttered, but he covered it up with a grin.

"No problem. See you later, Foster." Keefe muttered as Sophie skipped away.


"Son, you're such a disappointment. You don't have an A+ in biology?! This is unacceptable!" Lord Cassius exclaimed. Keefe kept tuning him out because of how annoying he was. At least he had Sophie's pink gulon from high school to squeeze all of his anxiety out.

"Son? Do you hear me?" Lord Cassius repeated. Keefe blinked.

"Uh, yeah, bad grades... I got it. I'll be in my room." Keefe muttered. He took the pink gulon up with him. Sophie had put a bow on the gulon when she'd given it to him, and he adjusted the pink bow several times before flopping back on his bed.


His thought was cut off by a text message. It was Grady.

Keefe, we can't find Sophie. Have you seen her lately? Is she with you? We're really concerned.

Keefe's eyes widened. It was almost 10:00 pm, and she still wasn't home yet?

The last time I saw her was at campus. I don't know where she was going after campus, though, I'm sorry. Can I help you find her?

Keefe held his breath as he waited for their response.

No, son, I don't think that would be smart. I'm going to call the police and go looking for her. I'll update you in the morning.

Please? She's my best friend. Maybe I'll know where she is.

The answer is no, Keefe. Please stay at your house. I'll find her.

Keefe shut off his phone and threw it across the room angrily. The girl of his dreams was in danger, and he couldn't save her!

Maybe she went looking for a boyfriend. But he knew that Sophie was absolutely clumsy, got lost a lot, and super scared of the dark. So she was definitely not doing well.

And he couldn't do anything about it.

Or... Maybe he could.

But he would have to go against Grady's judgement...

But what if he saved Sophie? Wouldn't Grady approve of him, then?

"I'm gonna go find her." Keefe whispered, like the words would make it feel real. He didn't bother leaving a note on his door for his parents. They deserved to worry about him, if they were even capable of that emotion.

Keefe slipped his boots on and put a first aid kit in his backpack. He hesitated before putting the pink gulon and a flashlight in, too.

He was going to find Foster. Not so Grady would approve of him, or so that Sophie would finally realize how awesome he was. He was going to find Foster for the right reasons. And he was okay with that. She deserved it. Whether he found her or not.

He turned back one more time to stare at the picture of him and Sophie on his nightstand. He brushed his fingers over Sophie's face.

"I'm gonna find you, Foster." He whispered. Then he leaped out the window, into the darkness beyond.

Sokeefe Forever (Part 1) By SilvenySlays Where stories live. Discover now