Chapter 2: Vacay Island/Meeting Bruce (Spruce)

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{Meanwhile with Team Troll}

Blacko was running fast to where Spruce is at as the Trolls are inside his Magic Pack

Then Branch said "Operation Family Harmony is on and poppin'!, *Sees Shakeah Behind Him* What?"

Then Shakeah said to Branch "What? Oh, Nothing. I just... Well. If I didn't know any better, I'd-I''d almost say you were excited~"

Then Branch said with a nervous smile while blushing a little bit "Uh, It has nothing to do with my brothers"

Then everyone all heard the speakers on as they all heard a familiar voice speak through it "All right, All right. Tiny, Branch, Poppy, Elemental Trolls, Hard Rock Trolls, Country Trolls, Funk Trolls, Techno Trolls, Pop Trolls, Reggaeton Trolls, Smooth Jazz Trolls, Yodelling Trolls, K-Pop Trolls and this random dude..."

Then John Dory looked in disbelief as Julia snickered at this

Then the voice through the speakers which actually happens to be Tiny Diamond driving the reins on Blacko kept on talking "On another musical adventure filled with heart, Hilarity and happiness"

Then Poppy said with a smile when she saw Tiny driving the reins on Blacko "Tiny?! What are you doing here?"

Then Tiny said with a smug smile while still driving the reins on Blacko "Well, Aunt Poppy. For your information, I am no longer a baby. I'm a big boy now *Branch Comes Over To See* and I'm on a man-sized rite of passage to learn lessons of life, Courage and maybe love"

Then Poppy said in awe "Aw"

Then Shakeah said to Tiny in confusion "But how did you get in here?"

Then Tiny said "Oh, That! I had some help from 4 teenage Trolls"

Then some of the members of Team Troll all became confused by what Tiny said, Then Sha-Kai said while holding one of the 4 teenage Trolls by the collar of his vest "Looks like Tiny wasn't the only one who snuck in here"

Then John Dory and Julia both recognizes the teenage Troll to be their 15-year-old son, Jayden. Then John Dory said to Jayden while scolding him "I thought I told you and your 3 cousins to wait with Rhonda!?"

Then Jayden said to John Dory with sarcasm while crossing his arms "Oh really, Dad? You can't let your only child from seeing and reuniting with his missing mother?"

Then all of the Elemental Troll members of Team Troll except for Julia all said in surprise and shock "Dad?!"

Then Sonic said to John Dory "Dude, You're a father?! Then that makes Branch an uncle including your 3 other brothers"

Then John Dory said "Yes and yes, 5 years of marriage with Julia and we've had our first and only child. Jayden is 40% like his mother, Quite a stubborn one"

Then Julia said while smirking slyly at John Dory "And the 60% part of Jayden is like his father"

Then John Dory playfully said to Julia "That's not true"

Then Julia said with a seductive smile "It is... Doofus~"

Then John Dory felt his crotch go hard at Julia's seductive smile, Then he gave Julia the 'you deserve a punishment' face

Then Shakeah said "Easy there, Lovebirds"

Then Sha-Kai puts Jayden on the ground

{Small Timeskip to after the meeting with the first-born sons of Spruce/Bruce and Sage/Bianca, Clay and Camilla and Floyd and Fiona}

Then Branch said as Team Troll gathered around him and the clue board he made and Shakeah being in front "We got to find our brothers and fast. But don't worry, Old Branch has got it handled. All we have to do is follow the clues"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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