ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕠𝕦𝕣

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When the school bell hit 3:20 Andromeda immediately left his health class and went over to the elementary wing, maneuvering through the crowded halls and straight to his siblings' classroom. He'd walk into the room and go straight to their teacher Mrs. Bell.

"Hi mrs.bell, I came to pick up the twins." Andromeda spoke softly while combing his hair out of his face.

"Just call me Luci and they are in their respective spots" Mrs. bell chuckled before pointing to the far corner of the room, that if you looked hard enough you could see two bodies huddled underneath each other for comfort and safety.

"My answer will always be no mrs.bell" Andromeda said before walking towards the corner, making his footsteps loud as he clothes closer. He'd crouch down and look at them both with a small smile.

"I know y'all are tired. But we can't go home just yet, okay? I gotta go and show someone around the school" Andromeda grabbed their bags and put them on his arms before gently grabbing the twins and holding them in his arms. He'd slowly get from his crouching position and walk towards the door, giving Mrs. Bell a small wave before leaving the classroom. Andromeda walks slowly, not making any movements that could wake his siblings from their slumber.

"snap. . The stairs, ugh" Andromeda groaned when he saw those grand stairs that split into two ways one leading into the middle school wing and the other into the high school wing, though it would never wrap around his mind on why the middle school wing had less stairs then the high school wing.

Andermodea mentally reviewed the Information he gathered on the newbie; now known as a wayne boy, the way he wiped his hand after Mrs.lane shook it, and the way he held himself in front of people. Deep in thought he didn't hear said wayne boy walking up beside him and jabbing Andromeda in his side.

"h-huh! What the crap Wayne boy?" Andromeda didn't scream nor did he cuss out loud much to Wayne's disappointment.

"Tch. It's not Wayne boy, it's wayne. Damian Wayne to be exact." Damian spoke with his head held high, the pride in his voice from just being called Wayne alone was something only meant to be read in between lines.

"yeah yeah wayne boy, i'll call you by name when we're closer." Andromeda finally got to the top of the staircase and took this time to readjust his siblings, holding them securely as he walked into the high school wing, occasionally looking back and making sure Damian ain't get lost.

"Andy. . . Who was that?" Nyx spoke into his brother's ear, the tiredness never leaving his voice but instead a cute yawn did right in the middle of his sentence.

". . .just a newbie nyx, no one to worry about." Andromeda spoke under his breath to him, eyes facing forward while his feet speed up there walking. Another pair of footsteps behind him did the same till they were right next to him.

"My name is not newbie, My name is Damian Wayne. Get it right Torres." Damian spoke Andromeda's last name with such venom a snake would get jealous.

"okay!. . .wayne boy, I'll comply but only if you take me out to dinner" Andromeda said teasingly, looking up at Damian with a playful gaze, not expecting a nod to come from the latter.

As they both walked into the classroom, they saw that Mrs. Lane had left a note stating she had gone home since her kids fell ill. Andromeda didn't think anything of it and just walked out the classroom looking behind to see if Daiman was following him only to see he wasn't. With an annoyed look on his face, Andy went back inside to see that Damian was looking through their teachers' stuff.

"Wayne boy! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Andy whispered loudly to the boy, walking to the teachers desk and giving his best glare at the boy.

"Isn't it suspicious that she tells us to come after school, only to leave behind a note saying her kids are ill. Somethings not right" Damian's voice had now changed from a void of emotion, to a voice filled only with curiosity.

"Yes, yes it is. But that ain't in my jurisdiction to judge. Now let's go, we have things to do, Wayne boy." Andy's voice filled with authority and left no room for arguments but Damian being himself had to be stuck up.

"Those things can wait, you are not the boss of me nor my father. If anything you're a useless pebble on the road. Now leave if you want." Damian's voice also held authority but it had an undertone, a sinister tone. One that had seen everything yet nothing at all. . .one filled with the linger of death if you crossed too far on the line.

Andromeda flinched with the sudden change in tone, but otherwise made no other reactions before sitting on top of a random desk. His hands subconsciously rubbed each twins back.

"What did you find wayne boy" Andy asked softly, watching as Damian pulled out piles of paper from each drawer.

"Paperwork, Paperwork and more paperwork. Nothing of importance" Damian was growing angry every second he didn't find evidence, His voice growing cold as he talked while his bright green eyes grew cold.

*Faint sound of keys jigging along with heels tapping on the floor*

Andromeda's eyes snapped towards the door, his ears honing in on the footsteps as they got closer. With nothing but panic on his face he got off the desk and with quiet but soft footsteps he walked over to Damian, gently tugging on his sleeve.

"Wayne boy, someone's here. we need to leave, now" Andromeda spoke with urgency as an undertone in his voice.

As angry as Damian was he calmly complied, putting everything back into its rightful place and maneuvering his and Andromeda's bodies towards the window.

". .When we get outta here, you better take me to dinner." Andromeda shakily mumbled as he watched Damian open the window so it was wide enough for them to fit through.

"I will inform Pennyworth once this charade is over." Damian wasn't scared, he'd done this every night as Robin but why was his heart beating so fast just now? Was it the fear or being caught since there movements are practically the same?

"It's only two stories high, nothing to worry about Andromeda...nothing at all." Andromeda gently placed his siblings onto the floor near Damian before going to the window and carefully climbing out. Jumping when he was close enough to the ground.

"Now Damian, carefully give me my siblings. Don't wake them up while doing so" Andromeda instructed as he planted his feet into the ground, looking around to make sure there was no one before opening his arms.

"Tch. Don't tell me what to do" Damian growled out before grabbing the boy with a black streak on the left side of his head; Nyx and carefully pushing him out the window, before dropping him into Andromeda's arms.

"be a little gentler!" Andromeda shifted Nyx into his arms, before reaching out his other arm for his other brother.

"Tch. No" Damian then grabbed the boy with a black streak on the right side of his head; Sunny , giving him the same treatment, but he made sure that he was a little closer to the ground before dropping him onto Andromeda's arm.

"Come on wayne boy, you can do it" Andromeda carefully maneuvered sunny in his arms, making sure he was comfortable as well as safe before moving from under the window. Giving Damian room to jump.

"Tch. Shut up with your useless nonsense" Damian ran back a little before running and jumping out the window, silent and skillfully landing on the ground.

"I'm trying to be nice here. Now let's go" Andromeda started to walk towards the front of the school, his big smile slowly fading into a small one and his arms still tightly around his defenseless siblings. His thoughts all mangled in a bunch except for a single one 'Fucking...RICH KID'


♡♤ 𝑶𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒖𝒑𝒐𝒏 𝒂 𝒅𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓 ♤♡Where stories live. Discover now