7- Sign a deal with me...

73 3 2

Y/n: W-what?

???: Don't worry hun, You will be safe...

Y/n : No, Leave me please...Please leave me!!

??? : Don't irritate me, It's only gonna do bad to you....


???: (Parks the car to a side and takes a handkerchief puts some chloroform on it and was about to make her smell it when she pushes his hand somehow and runs out of the car)

Y/n : (She runs as fast as she could but the mystery man was still following her slowly catching up with her)

**𝓖𝓾 𝔀𝓸𝓷'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥**

Gu won: (On top of a really high rise building) It's weird how she knew about me...Anyways it's the least thing which I am concerned about...Legit I don't care if she screams it to the entire world...There is no one mightier than me here...Anyhow...Where is my dearest prey today?? Here found one...

**𝓔𝓷𝓭 𝓞𝓯 𝓖𝓾 𝔀𝓸𝓷'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥**

Y/n: {As I ran as fast as I could I saw the silhouette of a man coming towards me...Wait a minute is that Gu won? ...Is he working with The mystery man? Is he trying to kill me because I know his little secret...Wait...Or is he here to save me...All these thoughts running in my mind...As I stood in the center. I am trapped...One side I have the Mystery man and the other side Gu won...Should I trust him...I had to make a choice...It was now or never...I ran towards Gu won}

Y/n: Help me please!! Save me from that creep...I beg you...I know you can...Right now, You are the only person who can save me!!Please!

Gu won : And what will I get from that? (Annoyed)

Y/n : Huh?

Gu won: You have to sign a deal with me in return...

Y/n : WHAT THE ACTUAL FRICKING H3LL??I am in the verge of going under something worse and you are asking me to sign a deal with you...?

Gu won: (Raises an eyebrow )

Y/n : You know what fine I will sign that FRICKING deal of yours...Its really crazy of me to do that right now...(annoyed to the core)

Gu won: Nah lady it is crazy of me to help you without making you sign the deal...But that guy just gives me the creeps...

(a/n: Gu won slides into action... giving the guy what he actually deserves yk punches etc.. Y/n runs and hides behind a barricade...Just behind her is a pond which is very deep...ik you guys know what is coming...lol)

(the ??? guy falls unconscious..)

Gu won : (He saw Y/n and gives her his hand to hold and stand back up...Indirectly assuring her that everything is fine and over...She holds his hand and then out of no where the ??? guys gets up and gets inside the car and starts driving towards them both...Gu won snaps his finger but is of no use...His powers aren't working)

(as a result Y/n falls into the water and Gu won does too.. )

Gu won: Shit...(falls unconscious)

Y/n : (As I was about to swim out...Yeah I know swimming okay... I saw Gu won He was unconscious...I could have just left him there...He practically can't die according to me but something made me go and save him.. But as I held his hands I fell unconscious too..)

𝐸𝓃𝓉𝒶𝓃𝑔𝓁𝑒𝒹  𝒲𝒾𝓉𝒽  𝒴𝑜𝓊  [Jeong Gu won x reader]Where stories live. Discover now