64~ Birthday

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Adhisha's POV

I stood there not knowing, where I am, what my next step would contain, death or happiness, sorrow or ointment, hope or darkness.

Almost clueless if it's my end or begining, the darkness was just engulfing me and I was too numb to do anything.

The chilly wind was blowing my Silk Saree and the salty smell reminded me of the sea, were we travelling through Ship?

A terrific chill ran down my spine sending jolts down my body and making me rethink about the conversation we had last night.

No, No...Bhai can't be here, he too will have family to take care now, and the thought broke my heart thinking did he forget about me?

"One step ahead darling," his rough voice came snapping me out of my thoughts and I followed, knowing the only supporter in this darkness I could get was my tormentor himself.

I liked it or not but the only man on whom I could rely on, in my worst, in my good was only him, The Kalp Trivedi.

The shackle around my ankle rang telling me, Doesn't matter where I go I would be caged with him, Forever.

My heart was severely bleeding with pain knowing we are leaving my home country.

The doors of freedom were again getting closed without having an ounce of mercy on me and I was caged with metal chain looking at those doors with shattered heart.

I thought this time I will make it out but no, I am stuck with him, maybe for my whole life.

The pain in between my legs was still there asking me to give up on standing but I was not ready to quit down so soon.

His hoarse voice again came and I stood alerted, "Open the blindfold."

I moved my fingers and opened it just to get blind for five long minutes, my eyes were not ready to adjust the natural light after years of darkness.

Suddenly my senses went numb and tears rolled down my eyes, my heartbeat accelerated and I tilted my head towards sky before slowly opening my eyes and just ceasing my breaths.

As the moon glowed brightly, a striking scar marked its surface, its shape remaining unchanged. It seemed to be a full moon night.

My throat felt dry with the immense happiness, and I couldn't hold back a single tear as it slipped from my eye.

I inhaled sharply trying to calm down my wildly beating heart and wanted to scream out loud but I felt loss of voice.

After years I was seeing open sky, the happiness, pain, ache was beyond any limit, I realized how freedom will feel like, how breathing in fresh air feels like, how beautiful this world can be to see with free spirit.

The sound of waves caught my attention and I understood we were in the middle of the sea, I gradually lowered my eyes and they landed on his smiling face.

He was decently dressed in black formal pants with white shirt and his shirt sleeves rolled to his elbow while the tattoos on his muscles forcefully peeking out, and those alluring eyes again changing their colour with atmosphere.

His orbs sensually wondered on my body and I glanced at myself, I was wearing simple black Saree with thin shimmering boudry of gold at the borderline.

The blouse was deep neck having extremely thin straps and the pallu was set in the way that my belly and breasts were full on display, including my hard tits because of no bra.

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