Day 3, 4, 5, and 6: Ramadan Trials and Tribulations

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As the last echoes of the Taraweeh prayers subside and the congregation starts to return home, I find myself in an unexpected predicament. There, amidst the tranquil Jujutsu mosque courtyard, under the crescent moon's gentle glow, stands Geto Suguru, a best friend and a rival, who challenges me for a match. But instead of the usual tense showdown of our martial arts skills in Yaga-sensei's dojo, we are about to engage in something entirely different – a sarong match.

More like a rematch. Because I (obviously) won the last match after the first Taraweeh.

It all started as a silly bet during the youth meeting, fueled by our mischievous spirits and the high energy of Ramadan. And now here we are facing each other with makeshift nunchaku from our sarongs, ready to engage in what could only be described as a clash of absurdity. Heheh.

"You are so childish," I hear Nanami's voice behind me, laden with disbelief. I flash him a grin, my trademark smirk firmly in place.

"This is the kind of stuff youth memories are made of, Nanamin," I contend.

And with that, I step into the designated sarong-fighting arena – the concrete bricks of the mosque's courtyard that mock the seriousness of our usual battles in the tatami-ground dojo. The atmosphere crackles with anticipation, mixing with a generous dose of amusement from the few onlookers who had stayed behind to witness the spectacle. Mostly, it's Ui Ui's gang. But Yuuji and his reluctant best friend, Megumi, are also there. No matter, I'll give them a good show.

"You sure you want to embarrass yourself like this, Satoru?" Suguru raises his eyebrows in amusement, "You know this isn't the typical sarong fight, considering that you're using the so-called special grade sarong manufactured by one of your clan's companies. It'll be a shame if you go down by the sarong I got from Mahito Shop's Ramadan deals. Bargain." He matches my smirk. I shrug, feeling oddly light-hearted despite the absurdity of the situation.

"Oh, come on. Where's your sense of adventure? Besides, it's not every day we get to spar with a weapon," I grin widely, showing my teeth.

And with that, the battle commences.

It's a clash unlike any other – not of lightning-fast jiu-jitsu fight in Yaga-sensei's dojo, but of flailing limbs (more like sarongs) and exaggerated movements. We circle each other like two playful cats, black and white (like our hair), our sarongs billowing in the night breeze as we attempt to outmanoeuvre one another.

Despite the whimsical nature of our duel, there was an underlying seriousness to our movements. We are just manchildren who refuse to grow up and lose to one another. Each dodge and feint carry the weight of our years-long rivalry, the unspoken understanding that even amid absurdity, neither of us would back down.

As the minutes go, I find myself caught up in the absurdity of it all. Here we were, two seasoned martial artists, engaging in a sarong match like a pair of kids on a playground. And yet, for all its silliness, there was a purity to the moment, a reminder of the time of Ramadan that makes this moment possible. It brings me back to our blue spring in high school.

In the end, it's impossible to declare a clear winner. We collapse onto the concrete, breathless and laughing, the remnants of our sarongs are tangled around our ankles. As we catch our breath, I can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unexpected joy that Ramadan has brought into our lives.

"Same time next year?" Suguru quips, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. I grin, already looking forward to our next absurd adventure.

"You're on, Suguru. You're on," I give him a lazy smile, wishing that we will meet Ramadan again next year.

"How boring. I thought I could finally see which sarong is better. Nee-san won't invest any stock in that branch of the Gojo clan until then," Ui Ui comments from behind us, making me sit up and gape at him in bewilderment. What do they teach their kids these days?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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JUJUTSU "RAMADAN" KAISEN (Ryomen Sukuna x Reader) CrackficWhere stories live. Discover now