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"Wait..But I'm Peter Parker"

"Oh sick! I have a twin! But wait why would they give us the same name?"

"Geez, this kid is even more stupid then point break" Stark commented in the tense moment

"Hey! I would like you to know that I have a internship at Oscorp" Peter sat up proudly and crossing his arms, then wincing as his back gave another sharp tense

"D-did you say Oscorp" the goatee man said with color draining from his face. Wait, was Oscorp a bad thing in this universe? That's where his parents worked anyway

Peter glanced at the second Spiderman eyes become glossy and a tear escaping his face. Okay what the hell was wrong was Oscorp in this universe?!

"Jesus Christ.." Stark pinched his temple of his nose, sighing in frustration.

"WHATS WRONG WITH OSCORP" Peter yelled, though it was a bit breathy since it hurt to talk thanks to his back.

"In short summary, Company enemies and Parents worked there.." the Tall blonde man rubbed a hand over his face  and groaning tiredly and just wanting this to end

"Oh.." Peter winced back "Sorry.." he slouched down with guilt. He saw the other peter try and not break down as the taller brunette rubbed his back and seeming to try and calm down himself

"It's fine kid, just tell me..where the hell did you come from" Stark lifted his head and sighed with a headache building in his head a little bit

"I mean..I was fighting this weird guy, he was like a monk sort of. And he was sending all these portals and illusions everywhere, and when I tried going for the head, he sent a portal my way last second and I fell right through it. Then I ended up on this weird sort of galaxy thing or..universe? Anyways I was just trying to figure the whole thing out since it was CRAZY and then a huge bolder thing from a building..or sidewalk, wait that's not possible. Pavement of a sidewalk Isn't normally that big, sorry getting off track. Anyway a huge bolder came crashing at me and made me go flying into another portal and then the next thing you know I was falling out the sky, getting punched by another me, and ending up here with a back of a old man."

Peter rambled on and on about the story, which only made the 3 other men in the room stared wide eyed in shock, then the man with the goatee took off his sunglasses and glanced back at the taller blonde behind him.

"Steve, call strange, Now." He demanded, then me, the other Peter, and Stark watched him scramble out of the room, yelling for someone if they had they're phone

"Okay, now I wanna know, who's the guy with the weird beard" (Edit:that rhymed!)

The funky yet weirdly fashionable brunette seemed to be offended. Then put a smile on his face, almost as if he was treating him like a 6 year old more then a 16 year old.

"Tony, Tony Stark" He put his hand out to shake to Peter, he was hesitant but then after glancing at the smiling man and the hand a few times he gently shook his hand

"And that man who just ran out was the star spangled man Captain America aka Steve rogers, he's-" he said with a bit of annoyance of his voice before being interrupted by a door being swung open

Steve panted but quickly calmed himself as a man with a cape that was floating behind him came in with a scowl on his face and groaned

"Jesus..not another one of these" he said with annoyance in his tone before sighing deeply and floating over to the older peter Parker

The older man sat down in the chair beside the hospital bed and gave him a "😐" look to the oldest Peter in the room

"Okay..so tell me, how'd you get here" the doctor asked him with rolling his eyes. Not giving the bit of his effort to actually try to sound like he was interested.

"Okay so-" he was cut off by Tony and Steve, "We don't need the whole story kid, just- a small description"

"Oh then in that case. Fighting, weird villain, portals, illusions, tricked, weird galaxy thing-" He was cut off by the sudden perk up that the old man did

"W-what, did I say something weird?" Peter asked with concern In his voice, then strange quickly slouching back down a bit

"No, just- " The sorcerer cleared his throat "What did the man look like"
He asked with a bit of caution in his voice, wondering if 16 year old meant what he was thinking

"He looked like some sort of..monk? He had like those traditional Chinese skirt thing or whatever" The wizard type man groaned into his hands

"Jesus Christ..this is gonna take forever, now I suggest you let me go now if you want me to be quick" He looked back at Tony with panicked eyes. And with that, he went out the room

But he quickly came back and poked his head around the corner "it's strange by he way" the Sorcerer said quickly before disappearing again

"Stephen strange" Tony muttered. During all the shit that's been happening, the younger peter hadn't said a thing, which was getting concerning

Just then, a man with a bit of some wrinkled features and looked to be taller then Tony maybe a bit, and slightly dirty blonde hair came in

"I heard there was spider? Where is I- who the hell is that?" The archer paused and loosened his grip on the rolled up magazine.

"Mr Clint..this is uhm..Peter" The 14 year old mumbled quietly, knowing he wasn't too quiet when he saw the man's eyes widen by a lot, like his eyes were about to pop out

"HOLY SHI-" Clint was quickly cut off by the famous Captain "Language" America.

Clint cleared his throat in an attempt to hide his fear with 2 Peter Parker's "so...there's 2 Spider-Man's now? But he doesn't look like you"

"That's because I'm from another universe" The older Peter mentioned then groaning, feeling another sharp pain in his back as he sat up

"Hey hey hey kid, take it easy c'mon don't hurt yourself more" Steve rushed to the 16 year old and pushing him back down gently into his bed

"Jesus I'm surprised you didn't die, that seemed like a nasty fall" The archer hesitantly shuffled over to the older teenagers bed

"You were there too?" Older Peter mumbled, a bit embarrassed that more than 3 people saw it. Clint nodded softly before snorting a bit

"Kid it isn't a big deal, everyone of us had taken a bad fall, especially spider boy over here" He pointed to the younger Peter, who quickly turned his head away from rolling his eyes in embarrassment

"He even has his own bed in the room a few doors down". Peter chuckled at the comment, knowing the man was only trying to make him feel better

"Anyways..it's kinda confusing that there's 2 Peter's in here" Steve mentioned, having the group of people in the room nod in sync and agreement

"Hey I got something!" The 14 year old blurted, grabbing the group of people's attention

"How about Piper?"

"Isn't that a girls name?"

"It suits!"

"Nah..how about Paul"

"Ick..sounds like a old persons name"

The argument of names that started with a 'P' lasted for a good 10 minutes before they all agreed with Tony's name

"How about Percy?"

"Like Percy Jackson? I love the books"

"No way! Me too!" It seemed like the younger Peter forgot his anger and fear somewhere else

"Seems like we have a pair of spider brothers"

"They're gonna get along just fine" Tony Said with a tired huff


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20 ⏰

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