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Isla's Dream

Ben: You can't take me anywhere, right?

Mal: Uh... (laughs)

Ben: Do you have a-- Do you have a napkin or something?

Mal: I do! I packed some.

Ben: Oh, there is--

Mal: I think I stowed them away. I can grab them.

Ben: What's this?


Mal: I actually threw that in there super last-minute in case it rained or--

Ben: "Speed reading" spell. "Blonde hair" spell. "Cooking" spell. And I was giving you props for fitting in so well, for doing your best.

Mal: Take back this moment that has passed. Return it-- Reverse it--

Ben: Are you trying to spell me right now?!

Mal: Ben, it has been so hard for me!

Ben; Yes! Some things are hard! Do you think learning to be king has been easy for me?

Mal: No! (chuckles)


Ben: This isn't the Isle of the Lost, Mal.

Mal: Yeah. Believe me, I know that!

Ben: Then why are you doing this?

Mal: Because... (scoffs) I'm not one of those pretty pink princesses, Ben. I'm not one of those ladies from the Court. I'm a big fake, okay?


Mal: This is who I really am.

Ben: Mal.

Mal: No. No.



Mal: I don't belong here.

(breathing heavily)

Mal: Okay. Okay. Okay. Let's blow this popsicle stand. Yeah? (chuckles)


(breathing heavily)

Mal: Noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take me anywhere. Okay. Whew. Please work.


Reality: Mal, Evie, and Isla's Dorm

(Isla wakes up after her dream)

Isla: Oh no, Mal-

Evie: Went back to the Isle. I know.

Isla: Come on, we have to go tell Ben.

Evie: Okay.

(Isla and Evie get ready and go to find Ben)


Ben's office

Ben's office

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