From Riches To Rags

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Boris to Bush TF/MC and Paul to Pot TF/TG/MC


This will be what Boris and Paul, our tenth and eleventh victims look like...

There lived a mansion in the neighborhood, and a rich man lived in the mansion, named Paul. He had a butler named Boris, who was very loyal to him and served him.

At March, Saturday, 2024, on the 30th, Boris was serving Paul, as usual. "What would you like me to do, sir?" Boris asked of Paul.

Paul then grabbed the collar of Boris's suit and pulled him close while smirking. "Maybe you'd like to relax with me?~" Paul asked of Boris.

Boris had a bright red blush on his cheeks as he looked away. "S-Sir! This is...very unprofessional!" Boris cried out. Paul only chuckled at that response and let him go.

Then the two boys heard a loud knock on the door. "I will get it, sir." Boris said as he walked off. Later, Boris made it to the door and answered it.

He saw Iris at the front door, and he smiled at her. "Well, good day, Iris. Did you need something?" He asked. Iris then nodded.

"Yes, I need you to do something important. Bring Paul with you too." Iris told him. Boris nodded and walked off to get Paul. And now, Paul and Boris were following Iris.

After a few minutes, the group arrived at the alleyway and went in. The group saw the mystery door and then went inside the door.

"Soooo...what did you want us to do?" Paul asked.

Iris only smirked as Boris and Paul looked a little confused. Then suddenly, Animatic/Annie arrived from the fucking shadows and grabbed both Boris and Paul.

"ACK! WHAT THE?!" Boris yelled out.

"Hello, humans!...Paul and Boris, right?" Animatic/Annie happily greeted.

Iris then pulled out her phone and walked up to Paul and Boris. She shoved the phones in their faces and the phone flashed a dark green and white, sealing the boy's fate.

Boris could feel his legs going numb and can't really move them. He looked down and saw his legs FALL THE FUCK OFF. The skin was ripped, bones breaking, blood pouring out.

Boris screamed out in pain as Paul felt his arms going numb. And then *POP* goes his arms! The skin ripped, bones shattered, and blood purong out too. Paul was in extreme pain.

Boris could feel his skin feeling all itchy as it slowly turned into leaves. His skin turned green and finally turned into leaves. His remaining bones also turned into sticks.

Paul looked at his legs as they started to become so skinny that his bones were getting crushed. Paul yelled out in pain as his legs turned pitch black. Boris's arms suffered the same fate.

Animatic/Annie then placed Boris on top of Paul as Paul's skin was slowly hardening and turning literal white. When his skin was completely white, his head hot lodged into his torso.

Paul's body would morph into a pot, and dirt had just magically appeared inside Paul. Boris would then have been planted inside Paul.

Boris and Paul could feel their eyes darkening and shrinking until they were small little beady eyes. Their mouths weren't spared either, as they were slowly simplified into a line.

"Oh...god...that felt horrible...B-Boris...are you-" Paul wanted to ask of Boris was okay until he felt a jolt to his manhood. He felt his manhood shriveling up until it was gone. Although he was technically genderless, he felt like a SHE.

"S-Sir! Are you okay?!" Boris asked Paul.

"Ugh...wait...WHAT HAPPENED TO MY VOICE?!" Paul cried out as she heard her new voice.

"That's because you're becoming an object, Pot!~" Iris replied.

Animatic/Annie then put Paul and Boris down as Boris suddenly felt a headache beyond human comprehension in his head.

"ACK! S-SIR! MY...HEAD...HURTS!" Buris cried out.

"B-Boris?!" Paul was concerned, then she also felt a headache from Hell in her head.

"S-Sir..." Buris muttered as he felt his memories decaying. Poul would slowly forget that she lived in a mansion, was rich, and...Boris.

"No...B-...Boris...don't...leave me..." Potl muttered as she felt High School be coming Bye School. Busis would slowly forget that he was working as a servant for Paul.

"I don't...wanna...forget..." Bushs whispered as his memories finally faded. He felt new memories flood into his head as Potl silently cried as she felt all of her memories gone. New memories then filled her head.

Now, Boris and Paul were gone. And Bush in a Pot remained.

"Pot, where are we?" Bush asked.

"I think we're in some weird room." Pot replied.

Iris decided that she would keep all the newly transformed objects inside the room. She didn't want to be caught so soon.

Meanwhile with Dontae......

Dontae was walking to his home as he felt like he was being followed. He slowly looked around...only to see Yosef/Yoshi Egg standing there.

"...what the fuck is that???" Dontae questioned.

Yosef/Yoshi egg then walked up to Dontae as she tried to communicate with Dontae, but she could only say "blegh!".

Dontae looked at her very confused. Yosef/Yoshi Egg then grabbed Dontae's hand as she slowly led here to his house so she can find some papers and a pencil.

Up next: Cameron (Cameron is a unisex name) to Cane's Cup TF/TG

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