Chapter 1 Mate(s)

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At the moment I'm on my way to school in my baggy hoodie and skinny jeans with my knee high biker boots. They are the one thing that my dad gave me since my mum died.
I got them four years ago on my 14th birthday. Today is my 18th birthday. It is that day that I will find my mate.

Anyway, I was just outside the school gates when I smelt the most amazing the smell. It smelt like chocolate and cinnamon. My wolf Jessica kept yelling one word in my head "MATE!!" Good thing I go to an all werewolf school that only has a few humans that are people's mates.

As soon as I heard that in my head I started looking around for the source of the delicious smell when my eyes landed on two boys, well I can't call them boys more like men, talking to their friends. But when I looked down they were holding hands I knew that they were together.

As I turned to walk away my bitch of a friend Maddy called out my name. As I turned around I could feel everyone's eyes on me. When I looked towards my mate I locked eyes with him and it was like the whole world around us disappeared but something felt off. I looked towards the guy next to my mate and knew instantly that he was also my mate. My wolf was going crazy in my head saying how good they both looked and started flashing images through my head of their muscles all sweaty and I immediately cut her off. I looked towards Maddy and saw her looking between me and my mates. When she looked at me she had a massive grin on her face and she let out a high pitched squeal and bolted for me. I was engulfed in a suffocating hug that had me gasping for air. As she slammed into me I heard two sexy growls come from my mates. I was so caught up in the moment that I forgot that they were already mated and they wouldn't want me to ruin that. As I turned away with tears in my eyes I heard them growl again. I looked towards where they were standing but only saw one of them walking towards me. I then felt a presence behind me and instantly knew it was my other mate from the sparks coming alive on my skin. As soon as he spoke I knew that he was an alpha from the authority he used but he didn't use it towards me, just everyone watching us.
"Leave!" He commanded, but when I went to take a step he circled his arms around me, caging me in. he lowered his mouth to my ear and whispered, "Not you mate. You're staying with us."
Everyone turned to leave and my other mate, who was slowly walking towards us, came to a stop in front of me.
"What's your name mate?" He asked in a husky voice.
"Alana" I answered shakily.
All of a sudden he looked concerned and asked "Did we scare you in any way? If we did then I am really sorry. We didn't mean to its just that everyone was looking at you and our wolves wanted to come out and mark you as ours and..."
All of a sudden I had the urge to kiss him so that's what I did. I reached up and pressed my lips to his in what was meant to be a short peck but it ended up with me pressed against his chest and his tongue licking my bottom lip. After a little bit I broke it off because I had to breath.

When we pulled away he was grinning like the joker and asked "What was that for? Not that I didn't like it or anything but..."i put my finger to his lips to shut him up. I turned around and faced my other mate and started kissing him a swell. That was when I heard the voice the the one person that abused me the most come from next to us. My brother John. I quickly broke off the kiss and ran behind one of my mates.
"What do you think you're doing bitch. You can't hide forever. When you're on your own I'll get you." He then turned to my mates. "Sorry about her. She thinks she owns the world. I'm sorry for what she was doing to you guys alphas. Please forgive me. We've been trying to teach her respect but she never listens. Can you please move aside so I can get her and take her away so I can punish her?"

At the word punish my mates started to growl furiously. John stood back startled but tried reaching for me again. This time one of my mates grabbed his hand and twisted it around till we heard a snap.
My other mate said,"touch our mate and we will kill you we don't care if you are an alpha. We are the alphas of the Full Moon Pack"
As he said that I started feeling light headed. The Full Moon pack was the largest pack in the Southern Hemisphere and they were the Alphas so that means that I'm going to be the Luna. I always dreamed of being Luna but my dad was slowly taking that dream away from me.

When I started swaying my mate became very concerned and one of my mates picked me up and started running for the woods.
When we finally stopped we were outside a mansion. In my ear I heard, "Like it?"
I just nodded still speechless.
"That's your new home but we have built a smaller house in the woods for when we finally found you."
I was shocked at what he said. "You were waiting for me?" I asked.
"Yes we were."
I heard from behind us. As we turned I realised, "I don't know your names yet but you know mine."
I heard them both chuckling and my mate that was holding me, set me down and said, "I'm Zander and this is Ryder."
When I took a step back from them hurt flashed across their faces but I just smiled lovingly at them. Zander was about 6"5 and Ryder was the same height but they were both taller than me by at least a head. Zander had black hair and Ryder had browny blond hair. Zander had bright green eyes and Ryder had light blue ones. They were both muscular but not overly so as they were lean as well.
After checking them both out I started walking into the woods. They started asking where I was going and I could hear the worry in their voices. I just laughed and said, "You want to see my wolf don't you because I definitely want to see yours."
So. How did you like it. Beware I will make mistakes because this is my first book so bare with me. I'll try to update ASAP
❤️❤️ Caitlin

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