Love & Jealousy

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I woke up with a arm around me. My head hurts so bad. Jeez how much alcohol did I had yesterday?
I can't remember anything, all I know is that I saw Slash with a other woman.
Did he had sex with her?? Where was he as I was brought here. I don't even know where the fuck I am.
I'm gonna kill him.
If he had sex with her he's dead.
Or.. nah you know what.. I'm gonna act like I don't care. Yeah I'm a fucking genius, acting like I don't care what he's doing and then he's gonna show me how much he actually loves me.
But first I need to get out of here I only have my bikini on.
I tried to move but the person next to me moved as well. Fuck! I don't want him to wake up.
I slowly took his arm away from my body and stood up from bed.
As I opened the door, I saw Slash jacket on the couch.
Wait a minute.
SLASH? I'm in his apartment??
Oh man this can't be happening right now. I don't want him to see me like this.
Fucking hell.
I closed the door from his bedroom and took my stuff.
As I tried to open the door it was close.
I looked in his jacket nothing. Where the fuck those this guy haves his keys.
I went back in the room and looked in his jeans. Yep finally.
"Good morning drunk ass." Slash said
Oh hell nah.. I hide myself in his wardrobe.
"Kath?" I heard Slash saying.
Nope I'm not gonna answer. I'm the ugliest human being in the morning. I can't look like this.
"Fucking hell, why did she left." Slash said
"Well then I'm going to call Amanda to hang out with her."
"Who the fuck is Amanda asshole." I said coming out from the wardrobe.
"What the hell are you doing in there?" Slash said with a smile
"Ah ah.. nothing I just.. HEY don't you fucking change the subject. Who's Amanda? Is that the girl from yesterday?"
"Why do you even care?"
Is he for real right now?
You know what yeah why do I even care.
"Yeah I don't know either." I said and walked away from his room
Fuck him and fuck that bitch as well.
I'm gonna stay single I don't fucking care I don't need a man.
"Kath wait.."
"Fuck off." I said trying to open up the door "Can you open up.."
"I was just joking Kath."
"Yeah right." I said rolling my eyes
"I swear to god I don't know any Amanda."
"Yeah but you fucked that bitch yesterday. That's already enough."
"I swear to god I didn't had sex with her. I only want you Kath please."
"You swear on your dick to fall off that you didn't had sex with her?"
"Wh.. yeah yeah I swear on my dick to fall off that I didn't had sex with her."
"Hmm.. good." I said walking away from the door.
"Do you want some pancakes?"
"Orange juice?"
"Jeez Kath what is it then? Why you so mad with me?"
"I'm mad because I saw you with that woman. IM MAD BECAUSE I KNOW YOUR NOT GONNA CHANGE."
"I sweared on my dick that I didn't had sex with her Kath."
"Oh please."
I know his lying. I fucking know it. But if I'm gonna ask for the truth I'm gonna get more mad because he lied before.
Im so fucking stupid.
"Let's just eat something and talk please." Slash tried to grab my hand
"I don't eat breakfast. And I don't want to talk to a liar. I just wanna go home and take a shower."
"Wait here." Slash went back in his room
As he came back he brought me a towel and some clothes.
"Go take a shower and I'm gonna clean this place a little bit." Slash handed me the stuff.
"Thanks." I said and went in the bathroom
I like his apartment. Is actually much bigger then I was imagined.
I don't even know if is right to be here.
I'm gonna shower then he's gonna go easy on me maybe even manipulate me that he'll change.
Why do I even want him so bad. I should act like i don't care but I can't. I can't stand the fact that a other woman is touching him. I just want him for myself.
"You alright in there?" Slash asked
I didn't respond. Fuck him im so mad right now.

I took my bikini off and went in the bath.
After good 20 minutes I got out of the bath and got dressed with the clothes he gave me.
As I was about to leave the bathroom I heard Axls voice.

"Yo what's up man. Yesterday was sick. That chick was so fucking good." Axl said
"Yeah dude, you had to see how she was rolling her eyes when slash fucked her from behind." Steven said to Izzy
"I don't need to know all that." Izzy said

So he did fucked her. Such a asshole. I can't believe I almost believed him.
I went out of the bathroom

"Oh, hi Kath." Steven said
"So you did had sex with her?" I asked Slash with tears in my eyes
"Kath, it wasn't like that I was drunk I swear to god.."
"Just.." I left the apartment

"Thanks a lot Ax." Slash said
"Ey.. you welcome." Axl said winked at him
"Your auch a ass Axl." Izzy said walking to the balcony.

I can't believe this. Why are mans doing this shit to me.
Am I not good enough?
"Kath!" Slash screamed after me
"I said FUCK OFF."
"Kath please let me explain." Slash grabbed my hand
"I said back the fuck off. I don't wanna see you or talk to you. Just leave me alone." I took his hand away from mine.

I left him behind and walked straight to my apartment.

3 days later.

Slash was keep trying to come to my apartment. I was only in my room. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I just wanted to be alone. Noa will keep telling me that he's coming to see after me but I told her to not let him in.
He's sends me flowers the whole time and latter that he's sorry.

I feel bad, i felt again for somebody that likes to fuck around with other woman's instead to have something serious.
Why can't I just find someone to love me and to be fucking loyal with me.
And yeah I know what you guys think
"But you slept with Pamela as well."
I know I did but if he'll ask me about it I will not fucking lie to him. I will Not act like he means the world to me and lie in his fucking face that I didn't had nothing with Pam. I will tell him the truth.
That's what I wanted him to do. To be honest with me. I will still get mad but not like this. But he choose to lie to me and then telling me that im the one he wants while he was fucking a other woman.

Well in the mean time I was thinking about this shit Noa called me downstairs.
I swear to god if he's there I'm gonna break his fucking nose.

I went downstairs and she handed me the phone.
"Miss Katherina Rodriguez?"
"Yes that's me."
"I'm Tony Alverez, I wanted to let you know that we sendet you the keys from the new house and that your able to move in any time." Tony said
"Oh my god thank you so much."
"Any time, have a good day." Tony said
"Thank you sir you too." I hanged the phone.
"Who was it?" Noas asked
"From the new house. They sendet the keys so I'm gonna be able to move in whenever I like."
"Yess! That's so great. I'm so happy for you." Noa hugged me
"We're gonna move in." I made a happy dance.
"Ah.. Soph." Noa Said
"I want to talk to you about something. But please don't get mad." Noa said
"If Phil did something again he's dead I'm telling you."
"No! No he didn't do anything. In fact were back together. We talked and he found a house for us three."
"Oh.. so your not gonna move in with me?" I said
"No, but I'm gonna come to see you everyday I promise. I just want the baby to have a mother and a father." Noa said
"Yeah.. it's alright. I completely understand."
"Really? And your not mad?"
"No hell no. Why would I be mad. That's beautiful and I'm happy for you two that you both realized that this baby needs both of you." I said hugging her
"Thank you Soph. You don't know how much this means to me." Noa hugged me back
"My door is always open. Don't forget that."
"Thank you." Noa went upstairs to her room.

I went on the balcony to smoke a cigarette as I saw Slash hanging downstairs with a bucket of flowers in his hands.
This man is driving me crazy.
Should I just talk to him.
I can give him a second chance, but this time I'm going to take it slow.

"Ey you there." Slash looked up "yeah you curly hair, come upstairs."
He smiled at me.
I guess I just have to give him a other chance. And maybe this is gonna be our story. Who knows maybe he's the man that I'm gonna merry or the father of my children. I can't just let him go like that.

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