Daisy's ~ Audition Tape

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A blonde turns setting the bucket on the fence and yells at the camera, "Tommy! Would ya, help me here! Thee chores aren't gonna do themselves! I can't believe Trixie feeds them like this..." 

"Sorr, sis! Say hi!" He says shaking the camera.

"What cha'll doing with that video camera?" She yelled at them clearly upset. 

She moved on to the barn as the pointed the camera as the blonde grabs some rope and opens and close the gate. A girls voice comes from behind the camera, "Nothin."

Moving over to the far side and makes faces at the pigs. The camera starts to shake as she then moves over to start making chicken sounds and movements. 

She then grabs the rope climbing to the top of the barn and jumps down with corn on a hook over the pigs. Just for all the pigs to react standing up chasing her as she spun around as they chase knocking their food in the trough. 

The pigs move to start and eat from it instead. Just for a boy to come into the frame laughing as she got down as he said, "I con beli ya'll!"

She untied the rope and asked, "Wha, ya mean Robert?"

"Ya, didn't have to do that Daisy. Trixie tricked ya!" He said looking at another blonde girl that was laughing on the ground.

"A! I'm Gona kill ya!! Come here!" She screamed running after the taller girl.

Trixie called back yelling, "It's ya, fault for believen me!"

"Ya! Well it's your chore!!" Daisy screamed as the camera continued to run after her. 

A young blonde boy came onto the camera saying, "Daisy will win! She ruthless and cut thorough perfect for ya show!"

"Daisy!" Robert voice screams as he goes to pull her off Trixie.

He calls in the recording, "Help! A little help here!"

Tommy drops the camera running over to help his brother and other five other boys appeared. A small blonde girl that looked like Daisy picket it up and said to the lens, "By Mr. Chris! Consider her!"

With that the recording ended with short voice over again with a laugh, "OOOO! That'll hurt!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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