Chapter 1

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This I my first book so it won't be the best anyway... have fun reading!
Oh and they have human body's.


Third person

All the way at the edge of the solar system in the Kuiper belt all the planets, moons and dwarf planets were there, They all seem to be staring at one planet in particular Mercury... "Are you gonna tell us what the FUCK We're doing here or are you just gonna keep pacing back and forth like you're trying to solve a FUCKING MATHEMATICAL EQUATION PIPSQUEAK!!" Venus said/yelled at him Mercury finally stopped and looked at Venus and everybody else staring into his soul demanding answers Mercury shot a glance at Jupiter as if looking for approval to say something, all Jupiter did was give a small nod as if to say go ahead *sigh* "I-it all started three days ago..." he started.


Mercury had just woken up and went over to go talk to Sun as usual but the Sun didn't seem like himself though, he seemed scared and nervous. when Mercury got closer he saw that it looks like Sun was... crying!? Mercury immediately floated up to Sun's eye level and ask him what was wrong as soon as he saw Mercury his nervousness seem to increase he grabbed mercury so only his head and feet were popping out of his hand, he said to Mercury in almost a panicky whisper "Get the planets and leave!" He said Mercury was very confused by this so he just responded with a couple stutters then Sun said again "Get the planets, moons and the dwarf planets and go as far as you can they're almost here!" "Who is almost here!?" Mercury asked. He knew if someone could put Sun in a state like this they were definitely a force to be reckoned with "It doesn't matter you will see you soon, GO NOW!" Sun said as he pushed Mercury towards Venus's orbit.


"And then I came and got all of you guys and came here..." Mercury said. It was quiet for a few seconds before people started yelling some asking questions of who they were and others just wanting to go back to their orbits. Then a somewhat high-pitched voice said "Where is Jupiter!" Everybody turned around to see a panicking Saturn whipping his head around so hard he could get whiplash. Just then Jupiter came running back from wherever he was.

"Everyone I have announcement!" Jupiter said as he was re-bandaging his arm *sigh* "It has gotten worse..." "What has gotten worse?" Saturn asked The situation we're in the people Sun warned about our searching pass the asteroid belt now soon they'll be over here.." "And what does that mean?" Uranus asked "It means that we can't stay here anymore... Unless we want to die..." Jupiter responded, Lots of planets, moons or dwarf planet starts screaming some crying and some just in shock but one celestial body could be heard more than the others "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE CANT STAY HERE ANYMORE OR WE DIE! EARTH IS FREEZING TO DEATH AND HIS LIFE IS DYING, AND ALMOST ALL OF US CANT STAND THIS TEMPERATURE AND WHEN I SAY ALMOST I MEAN LITERALLY EVERYONE EXCEPT NEPTUNE, URANUS, THERE MOONS AND THE DWARF PLANETS!!!" Yelled Earth's moon Luna "AND WERE IN THE KUIPER BELT WE CANT GO ANY FURTHER!" Mars yelled panicked "please calm down." Jupiter said "HOW DO YOU EXPECT US TO CALM DOWN WE NEED TO GO FURTHER AWAY BUT WERE AS FAR AS WE CAN GO!" Mars yelled "I know a place we can go!" Neptune said cheerfully everybody was quiet for A few Seconds before Saturn said "Really where!?" "Follow me! I'll show you" Neptune said as he floated off towards the Black abyss at the end of the Kuiper belt "Should we go with him?" Mercury ask quietly "I don't care where we go as long as it's someplace good, so I'm going, are you guys joining me or are you going to stay here?" Luna asked as he pulled Earth the way Neptune went "...Well what do we have to lose." Venus said as he followed them. Slowly one by one the planets, moons and dwarf planet slowly followed them into the black abyss of space. "So... Neptune can you tell us where we're going..." Jupiter asked nervously as the travelled further and further into the dark "just wait a minute he's studying stars." Uranus said "Studying stars?" Venus said "Why would he need to do that" "T-t-the s-stars a-are m-m-m-maps." Earth stuttered out "Stars are maps..." Venus said confused "Y-yes" Earth said "D-do you s- see that o-o-one t-that looks-s a b-b-bright as t-t-the s-sun?" "Ya said?" Venus "T-t-that m-means w-w-we're g-going r-east w-w-west." *Wow I never new that Earth could be smart.* Venus thought *Neptune please don't get us lost... We're all counting on you.* Uranus thought as they travelled further away from the sun and into the void of space.

Thanks for reading and Happy morning or night
Word count: 893
I will try to do one chapter a week sometimes two a week.


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