the beginning.

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One night in JcJason family mansion with massive rain outside that feels like storm. A little butler Drone was standing blankly before suddenly get to his concussion back and look in front him a human male just give him a empty glass of wine before the drone immediately take it and went to kitchen to clean a mount of glasses.

At kitchen the drone name N then accidentally hit a female drone name V on the way he goes.

"Ack! Oh sorry. I'm so sorry" say N feel embarrassed by his carelessness and immediately try to gather the Glasses are a mess on the floor.

"It's okay, i wasn't looking too-" say V that also helped N to clean the mess before accidently touched eachother hand's.

There was a awkward silence between them as they both look at eachother with blush on their screen. Before N could say something, a drone name J just kick his head out of her annoyed.

"Move it moro- hi Tessa. Oh don't tell me, another one?" Say J immediately when see a human girl name Tessa with a little maid drone that look at them with shy smile.

*Time skip to present*

One day, a world name Chopper 9 was a living planet with humans science in there to do an experiment with several Worker Drone as their servant but one day. The world of Chopper 9 core suddenly uncomfortable and make an heavy explosion that make the world get cover by toxic gas and immediately kill all humanity there and left Worker Drone as the new owner of that planet.

"And bla-bla-bla-bla the parent of company not happy and sent Disassembly drones to killing all of us and bla-bla-bla-bla that how we got here, in the bunker. This is piece of cake! I already know every of this story since i was 6!."

Say a teenage worker drone girl name Uzi in class as she doesn't interest to learn of the same history again and again.

"Uzi -sigh- we... Already talk to no more shouting in class right?" Say the teacher that always look tired and bored.

"Then i suggest that we should make a new history to get our freedom back from those fricking Murder drone!" Say Uzi give a little dramatic tone on her last word.

"And how we gonna do that actually?" Ask the teacher as he not have any spirit to live.

"With this" (Uzi take out a laser beam from her bag followed by class gasp as she do that).

"with this, we can kill those flying toaster hahaha" say Uzi with making evil laugh

"And is that how the color should be?" Ask The teacher still with his no interest tone.

When Uzi look at her laser beam it's colour bright red with warning sound before it explode the entire class.

*After that, In the school maintenance room*

Uzi's forehead get banged as she get injured from it before hear two drones name Lizzy and Doll mocking her before go as she only glare at them.

Not long after that, A Popular Worker Drone name Thad come in to routine check on his body. There was awkward atmosphere when he see Uzi there as you know what happened there and let's just skip it to the main one.

After get a good talk with Thad and get permission to went outside the bunker by her's father name Khan. She immediately walk toward the Disassembly drone nest called "spiral corpse" and take a energy core for her gun.

Suddenly, She heard one of them came back as it land on the middle that where a pot was. When Uzi thought she safe because it doesn't know where she was must get suprised when she see a reflection that show it look toward her.

It jump and immediately attack Uzi rapidly but lucky for Uzi her technique after watch several anime stunt manage to dodge the strike.

"Wow, they say anime move don't work in real life" say her before suddenly the Disassembly Drone launch another strike with the tail and make a hole through Uzi's hand immediately before then throw her away.

When the disassembly drone look at her again it get suprise when see Uzi alredy holding her laser cannon before she immediately shot it and make a massive Laser beam toward it.

"Huh? I did it. Take that dad!" Say Uzi as she happily joy as her weapon work well before it must goes down again as she saw the Disassembly Drone start to grow head again and look like reboot the system.

When Uzi about to shoot again, she noticed it need cool down as the first shot. She then take a corpse hand's and dash before slap it with it but only wake it up immediately.

"Ow... Did you just... Why?" Say the disassembly drone with her feminine voice.

"Oh my god, it talk." Say Uzi not believe she it talk.

"Why suprise? Of course we can talk. Hmm strange, i can't remember something 30 minutes ago. Nah, maybe some error. By the way, are you new?" Ask her to Uzi as her vision becomes error and couldn't see Uzi as friend or enemy as she continues stare at Uzi suspect her before suddenly.

"I'm Serial Designation Cyn! And thank you for join our team new friend!" Say Cyn introduce her self to Uzi friendly.

"Cyn? Oh umm okay. I gotta go... Right now..." Say Uzi nervously try to find away to run back taken back by the sharp pain through her hand that just get stabbed.

"Oh? Stabbing yourself? Nah it's okay, sometimes i also goes like that. Just put it on your mouth it our saliva will healed immediately" say Cyn giving Uzi some tips.

"And you mean "us" is..."

"Disassembly drone" say them at the same time.

"Right, i could go through there. Hey how about that pot in the middle." Say Uzi to talk in the pot.

"Sure, just like my beloved once said. I love doing anything..." Say Cyn as she just mentioned someone.

(I'll promise I'll continue this. All of this was no mine and it's all belong to glitch productions okay)

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