Lover's Auction - Part Three

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You were well aware that it was Millie's game today and try as she might, she didn't manage to get you to the stadium to watch her but she was slowly wearing you down. You wanted to spend every possible second with her but there was still that fact that she played football.. for a living. 'Why I did I have to fall for a footballer, honestly?' you'd say to yourself in the mirror while getting dressed. You wanted nothing more than to feel truly connected to her but football was something you'd stuffed away into a tiny box never to be opened again. Millie didn't rush you into doing anything that would make you feel uncomfortable, she knows deep down that you will slowly come around to the idea of watching her play.. whether that be in a few weeks, months or years, she was willing to wait for you.

Y: Good luck today 😘
M: Thank you, see you later? 🥰
Y: If you win 😉
You were unsure why you had gotten ready so early seeing as Millie wouldn't be picking you up for at least 5 hours, this made the prospect of having spare time on your hands even more daunting. Thumbing through the channels on the TV you saw the match was starting soon, hovering over the BBC One channel thoughts rushed through your mind.. 'should I watch? I don't have to watch, I could try to watch it, ughhh just press record!' So you did. You promised to record the game, you never agreed to watch it! Watching the programme turn red to be recorded was like a breakthrough, you'd taken the first step.

Hearing dad rustling about in the kitchen you shuffled over to watch him make his lunch, "dad.." you interrupted his pondering of what to put in his sandwich today as he peered at you from behind the fridge door. "Do you maybe, wanna watch.. Millie's game with me?" you asked shyly, looking down as you played with the ring on your pinky finger. Dad closed the door with a sudden slam making the contents of the fridge rattle around as he waited to hear a crash from inside and when that didn't come, he breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at you standing nervously in the door frame, "are you sure, honey?" he asked in his soft and comforting tone, watching you nod unconvincingly. "Of course I will!" rushing over, stopping half way to gently put down the knife in his hand before embracing you, twirling you around the kitchen like he did when you were little making you giggle. He finished making his lunch then joined you on the sofa, "I bought snacks!" he said exuding enthusiasm, dropping an armful of crisps and popcorn onto the coffee table. It's like he had been patiently awaiting this moment and had to make sure he was fully prepared for it. You briefed him that you may turn it off suddenly as you don't know how it's going to make you feel and he understood but all your fears disappeared when you saw Millie talking before the game. As a smile uncontrollably spread across your face dad couldn't help but notice, "there's your girlfriend!" he teased, causing your foot to slide across the sofa and land in his ribs. "She's not my girlfriend!" whining as your cheeks turned red, "yet!" he taunted you under his breath earning him a cold hard stare. You watched the entire game.

Y: Good goal 😉
M: you watched?! 🙊
Y: I did, captain 🫡
M: I'll be leaving in a minute, see you in half hour 😘
From that point forward you were texting constantly. Your dad had noticed a clear difference in your mood and your sudden willingness to say yes to anything he suggested. These past few months had turned you into a bit of a recluse but something about Millie put the spring back in your step. You watched all her games on TV and you'd see each other whenever she had time to.. which was most days. It made you realise that if someone wants to put effort into seeing you, they will! Towards the end of your last relationship your girlfriend started to make excuses as to why she couldn't meet you as often as you'd like and you accepted her reasoning until it was weeks in between dates rather than days. Millie lead a much more demanding life between her job, other opportunities and commitments yet still made time to see or talk to you every single day. This is what a good partner is, this is someone who actually wants to be with you. Millie's lazy days on the sofa now had you next to her and you were barely without each other except for when she was training or playing. Even then, she would facetime you as soon as she finished and arrange to meet up! You even started to work your shifts at dad's company around when Millie was working too so you'd have more time to spend with each other.

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