chapter thirteen

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I really didn't want to go to homecoming. I was in the dress Charlie picked out, with my hair curled and I felt amazing. But I just didn't want to go. Percy and me rushed taking our photos and then I climbed into his truck. The ride to hoco was pretty quiet.

We played some songs, some were good, some I didn't really know, but it wasn't like driving with Charlie who I could scream all the lyrics with. Percy was more sophisticated, composed.

When we finally arrived at the dance, Percy opened the door for me and grabbed my hand walking in, we went and put out stuff down on one of the tables near his friends. Then we walked around talking to some people. His hand was around my shoulder the whole time.

I couldn't help but look over at the table where Charlie and Kate were sitting, they were right by Tiffany and Ale. The group of four seemed to be having a great time. And even Lessy and Jason were getting along?

And when I looked over at the other table. And I saw Nessa and Ezra. They were laughing and smiling. In there own little world. I wanted that. They were the most in sync couple I knew. And he knew when she wanted a drink, she didn't even have to ask he went and grabbed it for her.

One of my favorite songs came on, Saturn by SZA. Percy asked me if I wanted to dance which I eagerly nodded about. We were dancing and I was just smiling, tonight was a good night. It was a really good night and nothing could ruin that night.

We danced for almost the next entire hour. I wore heals and my feet were shot, but I really didn't mind school dances were my thing. They really didn't seem to be Percy's though. He was smiling, but he seemed as if he would leave the second he got the chance too.

I was having fun until, I looked over and saw Charlie laughing with Kate, not only was he laughing but New Year's day by Taylor Swift started to play.  Percy didn't really like Taylor Swift but Charlie loved her. Maybe not as much as me but all I wanted was too dance with him.

But he was laughing, with Kate. I could hear him, the laugh radiating through the entire room.

Please don't ever become a stranger who's laugh I could recognize anywhere.

Was that all Charlie was? A stranger. No, it couldn't be. I think Percy could tell I was preoccupied and he really just wanted to go.

"Hey, Ly. I'm going to go. Do you want to come?" I shook my head, I refused for this to be the note my homecoming ended on. I took a seat at the table, just waiting for this song to end.

That's when they kissed. It wasn't some short sweet kiss, it was long and drawn out. So I left. I swore I wouldn't. But I did. And I cried and cried, as the rain poured down all over my dress.

Someone ran out the door after me, I assumed it was Lessy or maybe Nessa but it was him. It was Charlie.

"I don't wanna talk to you!" I continued to walk, not looking back, my face stained with tears.

"Lyla? Come on." He grabbed my hand, he didn't get to do that. He didn't get to kiss her and then grab my hand.

"No! Charlie! I can't be your friend! I can't play this game. Maybe it was all fake to you? But that was the most real break up I've felt."

I was never attached to the people I dated, we would kiss break up, whatever. But I loved Charlie. And I just can't look at him.

"Lyla, you're the best girl I've ever dated!" He yelled, in an almost condescending way. Like it was my fault?

"And? You just kissed Kate! So you got your way, I'm happy to have been great for you. But you got the dream girl, what could you possibly want from me?"

"I want you." He breathed. And I stopped in my tracks, I stopped trying to run, I think I might have even stopped breathing for a second.

"Me? But you got Kate, she's beautiful, and smart, and athletic, I mean what could you possibly want?"

"Maybe, but she's not as pretty as you, or as funny, and she surely doesn't care as much." He grabbed my face looking in my eyes. I thought I had always wanted Percy. But who I had really always wanted was Charles.

He kissed me.

Maybe he had just kissed Kate, and maybe this was wrong, but I didn't care. I kissed him. And ran my fingers through his hair and when he pulled back breathing out. I smiled.

He pulled me into a hug in his chest. All that was on my mind was Charlie and that kiss. But a part of me couldn't help but think about Kate.

"I broke up with Kate. It wasn't what I wanted." He could read my mind, he knew what I was thinking. We were that in sync.

"Percy, left awhile ago" And with that I kissed him again.

We kissed as if we'd both been waiting our entire lives for this, and maybe we were. Everyone, has always thought we liked eachother growing up. So maybe this really was the kiss of the decade.

After we pulled away and Charlie wiped my tears, he texted our friends and we walked to his car. W were both soaking wet, and didn't really feel like going back into the dance. So he drove and drove and drove some more.

We screamed all the lyrics to about twenty taylor swift songs, and I definitely cried to a Conan Grey song. But eventually we made it to our coffee shop. The one this whole thing started in.

He ordered both our drinks just like he had done the day we had come here to plan how he would win Kate over. And the first day he started wining me over. We sat and reflected on this year so far.

I was disappointed my homecoming had been ruined but this was better, being her with Charles was better than being at homecoming with any guy.

a/n: guys i'm crying. we only have two chapter left. like i'm actually sobbing because this was like the big chapter and my favorite one to write.

what did you guys think genuinely??

do we still want a thomas and mila book??

also i hope you all love lyla and charlie just as much as i do because i adore them with my entire heart.

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