Gracie was having trouble sleeping, her mind never wanting to stop thinking about how chaotic her life is. She sighed and threw back the covers. She glanced at her clock: 2:48am. Gracie got up, throwing on a pair of slippers and made her way downstairs. She grabbed a blanket from the den then took a seat in one of the rockers on the front porch. She curled up, tugging the blanket closer, shielding her from the cool night air. She was startled out of her peacefulness when she saw a Yellowstone truck pulling up. She watched in silence, confusion etched on her face. She watched as Rip climbed out of the truck and made his way towards the stairs. He looked up and was shocked to find Gracie sitting there. A week had passed since she found out the truth and Rip hadn't been able to get a moment alone with his daughter. "Gracie, what are you doing out here at this hour?" He asked worried. Gracie took him in. She could see the exhaustion on his face and the worry etched into his eyes upon finding her out here. "I could ask you the same thing," she started then shrugged out, "I can't sleep." Rip sighed. "Come on. It's too cold out here. Let's go in." He held his hand out for her. Gracie took it and allowed him to lead her back into the warm house. It felt easier to let her anger simmer with Rip. He approached her easier and didn't force himself on her like Beth did. Gracie found herself sitting at the kitchen counter watching Rip make them both a glass of hot chocolate. "When I was a kid, my mama used to make me a glass of hot chocolate when I couldn't sleep," he explained as he slid the mug in front of her. Gracie felt a small smile forming on her face. "Did it work?" She found herself asking. Rip let out a chuckle and shook his head. "No. Kept me up for hours. My mama had trouble sleeping, so I think she did it so she'd have company." Gracie saw that there was a deeper meaning behind his words, but she didn't press on. She had heard that Rip had a bad childhood, but she never knew the details. Gracie got up and followed him into the den. "I'm gonna run and shower real quick. I'll come keep you company when I'm done, alright?" Gracie sat on the couch and looked up at him. "Okay," she said back. She did want him to come keep her company. Rip took a shower and threw on some clean clothes. The noise had woken Beth up. "You're not coming to bed?" She asked confused when she saw him back in clothes. Rip turned to look at her. "Gracie can't sleep. I'm going to go sit in the living room with her." Beth felt her heart clench slightly in her chest at the thought of him and their daughter spending time together, time she wished she had. Rip kissed her forehead. "Do you want to come?" He asked gently, knowing how she was feeling. Beth shook her head. "No, you go. She needs to spend time with you. She'll come around me when she's ready." Rip rubbed her arm gently. "Get some sleep, honey." He kissed her softly then went back to his daughter. She was sipping her drink as he sat beside her. They talked for hours. Rip learned things about her and vice versa. Gracie felt a pull towards her father, wanting to have a closer relationship with him. It was a little after 6 in the morning when Rip gently woke her up from falling asleep on the couch. "Honey, go on up to bed. I got to get going for work." Gracie got up and rubbed her eyes. Rip smiled at how much she looked like Beth. He took a chance and gently grabbed her arm. He leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Do you want to go into town and have lunch today? With me and Beth?" He asked. Gracie's brain was still foggy from sleep but she nodded her head anyways. "Good," Rip smiled at her.
Gracie was mentally cursing herself in her head as she found herself seated in the passenger seat of Rip's truck. He was driving to Beth's office to pick her up so they could all have lunch. Gracie didn't know how to feel about it. If it was just Rip, it would have been fine, but Beth was still uncharted territory. Ever since the night when Beth opened up to her on the porch, Gracie had been avoiding her like the plague, not wanting to confront the way she herself felt. Gracie let out a sigh as she took in the scenery out the window. Rip looked over at his daughter and felt his heart swell in his chest. He loved Beth, but after spending quality time with Gracie, he was sure he loved his daughter more, if that was even possible. He reminded himself to thank his wife for Gracie that night. Rip didn't ever think he'd have a relationship with her, and sure she was grown now, but that didn't matter to him. She was going to be his little girl no matter how old she got. Rip pulled into a parking spot outside Beth's office. Gracie decided to be brave. "I'll go get her," she offered. That took Rip by surprise. "Are you sure?" He asked. Gracie nodded and got out of the truck. Rip chuckled quietly to himself at the way you never knew Gracie's next move, much like Beth. Gracie walked into her mother's office and saw her seated at her desk looking over some paperwork. Beth looked up at hearing footsteps. "Gracie," she said, not even hiding the surprise in her voice. Gracie fought back the smirk at seeing her mother thrown off guard. "Rip is waiting in the truck. He wanted to take us to lunch." Beth felt herself smiling at the thoughtfulness of her husband and how he always managed to surprise her. Beth set the papers down. "Let me finish this then we can go," she responded back. Gracie walked over and sat down in a chair on the other side of the desk. Gracie looked around the room, taking in the fancy interior of the office. Beth caught herself taking glances at Gracie while she put everything away. "Alright. Ready?" Beth stood and grabbed her purse. Gracie nodded and stood up as well. They began their walk to the truck. "Rip told me you couldn't sleep last night. Everything okay?" Beth tried to get her daughter to open up to her. Gracie shrugged. "Just a lot going on," she said then climbed into the back of the truck. Beth sighed and climbed in, smiling at her husband who eagerly greeted her with a kiss.
Gracie was seated across from her parents in the small diner. "Did you ever sleep last night?" Gracie asked Rip curiously. "I dozed off a few times," he responded. Gracie felt bad that he didn't get to sleep last night, but he did it by choice so she didn't mull over it long. Beth watched how easy conversation was between the two and she sighed. She took in her daughter. Beth knew Gracie hadn't been sleeping, it was obvious by the circles under her eyes. Gracie took a bite of her sandwich. She didn't want to have this conversation, but she was driving herself mad and needed answers. "What am I supposed to start calling everyone?" She asked gently and Beth could have sworn she looked like a child version of herself, frighteningly asking her mother a question she thought she would get criticized for. Rip glanced over at Beth then back at Gracie before he shrugged, "whatever you want, honey." That wasn't good enough for her. "Well it feels weird calling John dad when I know he is my grandfather, but the idea of calling him grandpa is even stranger." Beth thought through what she said. "Well, why don't you talk to him about it. For now, you just call us Beth and Rip until you feel comfortable calling us more and if you don't, that's okay too." Gracie just stared at Beth for a second before slowly nodding. "Alright," she said.
Lunch went better than everyone thought. Gracie had a better peace of mind now that there was a plan in place. She rode with Rip down to the corrals, wanting to see Ryan. Rip didn't ask any questions regarding her and Ryan. He didn't want to make her upset and he figured that was a conversation she should have with Beth. "Thank you for lunch," Gracie told him. Rip nodded and they got out. She found Ryan in the stables. "Hi," she greeted, a smile on her face. Ryan looked up and a smile appeared on his face. "Hey, baby. How was your day?" He walked over to her and pulled her into his arms. "It was good. I had lunch with Beth and Rip. I'm going to talk to John and figure out what to call him." Ryan nodded and kissed her head. "You feel a little better?" He asked. Gracie nodded. Rip walked into the barn and saw them both hugging. "Uh Ryan can I talk to you for a minute?" Rip asked. Gracie pulled away once she heard his voice. Ryan gave her a reassuraning smile and walked her out of the barn. Gracie went back up to the house in search of John. Rip looked over at Ryan. "You taking good care of her?" Rip asked as he stood leaning against a stall, his hands resting on his belt. Ryan nodded. "Yes, sir. Have been for almost four months now." Rip let that sink in and nodded. "Good. Don't hurt her." He pushed off the stall door and walked outside of the barn, leaving Ryan alone again.
Gracie found John sitting in his office. She knocked softly on the door. "Do you have a minute?" She asked when he looked up at her. "Of course I do, honey." Gracie walked in and sat in the chair on the other side of the desk. She fidgeted with her fingers while she tried to collect her thoughts. "I'm not really sure where we stand," she began. John leaned back in his chair and stared intently at her. Gracie shifted uncomfortably. "I don't know what to refer to you as or what role you play in my life. Are you still my dad? But you're my grandfather so it's weird if Beth and I both call you dad. You raised me though and deserve the title but it doesn't feel right." Gracie was staring down at her lap when she finished her speech. John let out a sigh and leaned forward, his arms resting on the desk in front of him. "Grace, I'm not going to tell you what to call me. You just had your whole world uprooted from under you. You're going to have to relearn and decide on the roles we play yourself. You can't expect to have an answer right now. It will take time, but everything will fall into place." Gracie felt her bottom lip quiver at hearing his words. She felt the hot tears pooling into her eyes. She hunched over in her seat, her hands covering her face as a sob escaped. John shot up and went to her, crouching down in front of her. "I know," he soothed as he rubbed her arms, then tugged her down into his embrace. Gracie melted into his touch, missing the comfort he always provided- the safety as well. "I love you," he whispered into her hair.

Gracie Dutton
FanfictionGracie Dutton was the youngest of the Dutton children by many years. She was adopted by John. She never asked about her birth family but she did wonder. Little did she know her parents had been in her life since the beginning. In this story, Beth an...