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Breaking into Oscorp was a pain with the Sable goons all over the place. Those guys have been more of a hindrance than a help so far. But at least he managed to get in without being spotted. And he managed to find out about GR-27. "Dr Michaels keeps the only sample with him at all times. I better go." Spider-Man goes to leave, but as he resets the computer to avoid suspicion, something catches his eye. "Another secure file? Is it related to Devil's Breath?" Opening the file, it doesn't have anything on Devil's Breath, but instead it had something a little more close to home. "Genetically altered spiders? Again? Norman, what are you up to?" Scrolling through the slides, Peter becomes increasingly concerned. "Lots of redacted information. But the lab is right here in Oscorp... I should check it out, just in case. I'll get more information there."

Crawling through the vents in Oscorp was way easier than scaling the outside of the building, thankfully. He eventually reaches the lab that the file talked about, and conveniently no one was in it. Locking the door to make sure no one came in while he was snooping around, Peter started searching through the various equipment and such in the lab. Nothing too suspicious so far, just regular genetic research and a tank with a normal looking spider in it. Nothing that warranted the sheer amount of black lines that were in the file Peter found. "There must be something I'm missing." Using the HUD in his mask he scans the room, and a small section of the wall sticks out from the rest. Pressing on it, it moves to the side to reveal a keypad. "Bingo." It was child's play to use the HUD to scan the pad to find the used numbers. "People should really wipe these down."

Inputting the correct code, a section of the wall slides away. "Secret room in a lab in a company that makes weapons. Not a great sign." Stepping into the room, he finds more screens and way more advanced equipment than what was in the cover lab, and a giant glass tank full of webs. "Creepy." He looks over the nearest screen. "Batch 13: 6 subjects. What did they make in here?" Scrolling through the data, Peter started getting worried. "They have data from Dr Connors research, and... is that MY DNA?" It was, in fact, his DNA.

"They must have gotten some blood, hair, maybe even a tissue sample after one of my fights. Wait, do they know who I am?" Going over the entire file, the report said that the altered DNA didn't match anything on earth. "Thank god for genetically altered and radioactive spider DNA. Hold on, what's this?" Giant red letters flashed at the bottom of the screen. "Subjects due for termination? What are they terminating?" A clicking sound gets his attention and he turns back to the giant tank, and sees something that wasn't there before. Six vaguely humanoid looking creatures with extra eyes, extra limbs and vibrantly colored exoskeletons. "Oh my god."

Peter looks between the screen and the six creatures back and forth a few times before coming to an insane realization. "They used my DNA and cloned these things. This is beyond unethical, this is pure insanity. Wait, I'm a dad?" Lenses widening in shock, he looks back to the screen with those red flashing letters, and cold dread settled in his stomach. Looking at them one final time, Peter turns away.

And he unlocks the tank, purging all the data Oscorp had on him, the Lizard, and his children.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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