Unfortunate Realization

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The young boy quickly backed away and raised both his hands up in the air, letting the girl with the Gatling Gun know that he was surrendering, which did save him from being filled with holes, though she still kept her weapon aimed at him.

"U-Um, hello? I, um, my name is Ben Tennyson, erm, who are you?"

The man in green, now known as Ben Tennyson, tries to make light of his situation, and even introduces himself, while also asking for the name of the girl with the gun, who didn't look amused by the slightest, and was most likely not gonna even bother with answering him.

"C-Coco Adel?..."

However, the Gatling Gun girl, known as Coco Adel, before she could say or do anything to Tennyson, both were interrupted by a certain bunny girl slowly waking up, rubbing her head and opening her eyes.

"W-Why are you threatening a random person?"

Though when the bunny girl could see more clearly and focus, she couldn't help but suddenly look surprised and very confused on what Adel was doing.

"This guy tried to do some funny business with us, Velvet!"

Coco, once relieved to see the bunny girl, now known as Velvet Scarlatina, safe, glared back at the boy in green and shoved her weapon closer at him.

"Were you?"

Velvet just looked even more confused, as she glanced at Tennyson, struggling to believe that he was dangerous from the way he looks.

"N-No! Of Course Not! I Would Never!"

Ben quickly tries to deny and claim to be innocent, which only rewarded him with a Gatling Gun being poked at his chest.

"Oh Yeah?! Then Why Were You Carrying Our Unconscious Body Around?!"

"Because I Didn't Want To Leave You Knocked Out On The Street!"

Both Coco and Ben were now glaring at each other, one was filled with doubt, while the other was genuine in his words, only one of them seemed to be telling the truth.

"Coco, we both know he isn't lying."

And Velvet was the one who had to help her partner realize that, grabbing her fashionista weapon and trying to aim it away from the boy in green.

"... I know... But I still don't know how we got here..."

Coco sighs in defeat, realizing that all she was doing was placing the blame on someone who didn't deserve it, quickly folding up her Gatling Gun and putting it away, which made Tennyson sigh in relief.

"I apologize for her behavior, we're just confused on what is happening."

Velvet tries to calm her partner, while also taking the chance to apologize to the boy in green, who just waves it away.

"I get it, I would probably be suspicious too, though I hope that means you won't try to shoot me anymore?"

While Ben was a little upset by the accusations, he was willing to let it go and move on, since he couldn't find a reason to actually hate the two girls before him, as they don't seem to be bad in any way.


Was all Coco could say, which just made Tennyson and smiles at her.

"It's fine, so, uh, do you need help with anything? I was just heading to meet my Grandpa, I can ask him to give you a ride if you need one."

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