It was dusk. The sky was getting dark, and the windows upstairs in the apartment were lit up one by one. Kurosawa sat quietly in the car downstairs, his fingers moving
quickly on the keyboard of his lapt
op, browsing the collection collect
ed by Sinai. The information recei
ved, that Zhu Xingda was hit by a
car is so strange that it can not help but make people suspicious.At this time, as the lights of a house
came on, Kurosawa closed the scr
een, adjusted his facial expressio
n, got out of the car and walked to
wards the apartment
"Knock, knock," Kurosawa kno
cked on the door politely twice. A
woman's response soon came from
m inside, and the door opened. "Xi
ao Ling came at the right time.The meal will be ready soon." Althou
gh, he knew that Kurosawa Ling an
d Gin, but perhaps because she fe
It that Kurosawa Rei was in the sa
e situation as herself, Miyano A
kemi was not wary of this child w
ho had a good relationship with h
er sister. "When did you come back
k from the United States? How wa
s the result of this treatment? I fee
I like your face is still not looking g
ood." Seeing the visitor, Miyano Ak
emi asked a bunch of questions.That she was concerned about.
'Don't worry, Akemi-sama. My
health is fine. Look, I even brought
gifts for you and Shiho." Kurosawa entered the room with a smile, raising the gifts in his hands while looking at them calmly.The man following Miyano Akemi. "Is this Akemi-san's boyfriend? It's our first time meeting you. Please give me some advice."
Sometimes, compared with Xiao Ling, I feel ashamed to be a woman. Xiao Ling, this is the king, my boyfriend." Miyano Mingmei did not miss the surprise in Xiu's glance. She sighed that Kurosawa Ling was indeed the one who was favored by that adult. At the same time, she felt sorry for his fate, so she did not have any emotions and quickly pulled him away. Come i
n, "It's cold outside. You don't feel
ing well. Let's talk about it first.The apartment Miyano Akemi
rented was not big. She led people to sit down at the dining table and
nurried to the kitchen to cook. Shu
ichi and Kurosawa were left speed
hless. The two sat quietly like this
for a long time. Kurosawa thought
for a while and broke the silence f
rst, "Morohoshi-kun...'m sorry to d
isturb your two worlds. I didn't kno
w you lived with Sister Mingmei.
'l just happened to come to s
ee Mingmei today. And Mingmei i
s very happy to know that you are
pack. She has been preparing for
for a long time. It is not to interru
pt." Shuichi interrupted Kurosawa
expressionlessly, "I heard Mingme
i say that you are in poor health.?
Can such a person stay in the org
anization? Is it just because of yo
ur brother's efforts, or because of
your own doing, relying on this face..
Is it so direct? No wonder he t
hought of using a car accident to
get close to Sister Mingmei. He w
as indeed a lunatic.
Conan: Bringing the Poison Back"
FanfictionKurosawa Rei, who followed Kurosawa Jin (Gin) into the organization, was able to retire early by chance. He originally thought that he could start the ordinary life he dreamed of relying on his brother's big tree, but who would have thought that Kud...