Chapter - VIII

413 16 7

Warning - Sexual Assault
Don't read if uncomfortable

Ignore the mistakes please

Taehyung moved back, hands sweating profusely as he gulped when he saw the tall masculine figure was approaching him.

Taehyung's eyes showed discomfort, a thin layer of sweat covered his forehead.

Jeongguk bend down on his knees, a small smile crept on his lips as he looked at the trembling male infront of him. "So you tremble?" Jeongguk mocked, eyes darting right inside the other's shirt which was revealing his curvy collarbone.

Taehyung looked down. Well he was afraid not because he saw Jeongguk holding a lease but because he has a very bad feeling about all this happening around him.

"Look at me, Petal." Jeongguk whispered, voice low yet he growled at the first part of the sentence.

Taehyung didn't even dare to look at the other then also. But that's the wrong step he took.

Jeongguk chuckled lowly, his eyes darkened more as he grabbed the other's waist and pulled him up like a light feather. The sudden action made Taehyung jolt as he grabbed Jeongguk's shirt, eyes a little wide yet he didn't say anything.

Jeongguk carried the other and threw him on the bed not so gently before hovering over the small figure, caging him into his bunky body. The mattress dipped down more when Jeongguk hovered over the other.

Taehyung's eyes was looking at Jeongguk's shirt bottom, the fear was no more visible inside him. Just like an empty can.

Jeongguk frowned hard, hands itching to just make the other speak out by pulling his tongue.

He didn't do it and wouldn't dare to just because-

Just because Taehyung was pretty. Pretty enough to not make Jeongguk hurt him physically like that.

But surely he will go to the extent today to make the other speak. No matter what more he have to do, he will do it. He doesn't care if it gets too much because too much always makes him happy.

And when his psycho mind wanted someone, he will definitely have him. Either by hook or crook..

Jeongguk stared deep inside the other's eyes and within seconds he crashed his lips with the other's. He knew Taehyung wasn't shocked but he didn't stop kissing this time. His lips moved rather harshly against the other's, trying to enter the other's mouth which he did because Taehyung neither was responding nor opposing the kiss they were sharing right then.

The kiss was way beyond harsh as the black haired male got the taste of blood while kissing, and a little hiss sound left Taehyung's lips as he assaulted the other's lips might fully.

After five minutes of continuous kissing the other, Jeongguk pulled back, a string of saliva attached connecting their lips to each other. Taehyung was breathing heavily, hands curled over his side grabbing the bed sheets tightly as his knuckles turned white.

Jeongguk again dived for a kiss but Taehyung stopped him, hands holding Jeongguk's chest. He frowned as he angrily removed the other's hand and tied the lease with Taehyung's hand.

"You will face the consequences today, Petal." Jeongguk spoke, voice devoid of any mercy.

He won't show any mercy today.

Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed too as he started to remove his hand from the lease, body trying to get out but Jeongguk's hold only got tightened around the other.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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