3: What. The. Fuck. Lute's POV

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I tense when Adam pulls me close. What in the ever loving fuck is he doing? I don't even think he knows.

"Let's make a bet. If I can make you blush, then you owe me a blowjob."

The moment he says those words, I freeze. What the fuck? Why is he saying that?

"I'm not going to answer that." I simply reply, as I don't know what else to say. There's no way I'm giving my boss a blowjob. Okay, let me change that, there's only a few ways that would make me give my boss a blowjob. I mean, I will admit, something about him just makes me.. fuzzy.. A feeling I don't quite understand or know how to explain.

I was too lost in thought to realize that he had put his hand on my cheek, and I've also relaxed. I tense back up again as I come back into real time.

"Come on, Danger-tits. Don't be a prude. It's just a little bet between friends." Adam says.

I don't know what to say. So, I just say, "Sir, you're my boss. We shouldn't do that."

Adam smirks and leans in close to my face. Something inside me tells me to not pull away. To stay there. Why? It feels so wrong.. And then I feel my face heat up underneath my mask. Shit.. I really hope he doesn't take it off.

"You want to, I know you do. Just imagine yourself sucking me off, babe. It's sure to get you going." Adam murmurs seductively.

I tense even more, and my face grows even redder. His words put that exact picture in my mind. I'm speechless. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say. Adam is basically offering this at this point, but then again, it's a bet. I've already lost this bet. But he doesn't know that, thankfully.

"I know you're blushing under that mask, sweetie."

That makes me freeze. I feel his hand snake up from my cheek and to one of the horns on my mask, and I feel it slowly slip off, revealing my blushing face. I quickly look away, using a wing to cover my face. But eventually, my mind grows curious. Why? I have no fucking clue. I'm scared, but I move my wing and I stare at my boss.

I find my eyes slowly going to.. his crotch?! Why? I let my mind wander for a bit. I'm sort of curious to know how big it is. Gah, why am I having these thoughts for my own boss?! This isn't right.. But fuck.. I've seen Adam without his mask before, and he's fucking hot. And I can't imagine what it feels like to suck him. I stare for a hot minute before eventually realizing I'm staring and I turn away, embarrassed out of my mind and covering my face with my wing again.

Adam seems to think this is funny, though, as he snickers a little.

I hear the sound of his white robe-dress thingy.. whatever the fuck it is(As author: I don't know what to classify Adam's outfit as, so yippee there ya go) come up. I hear some more sounds before I realize. Fuck. He really fucking pulled it out beside me. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I shouldn't look. I keep myself like this, eyes shut tightly now with my wing covering my face.

I suddenly feel a hand pulling my wing down. I keep my eyes shut tightly, though. I can't dare to look. I would never be able to look at Adam the same. But, I feel his hand on my chin, and he forces my face towards him. I've got no choice but to open my eyes. When I do, I keep them locked onto his, not daring to move them anywhere else unless it's away from his crotch.

I feel the hand that pushed my wing out of the way move me. I'm in front of him now. I keep my eyes on his. But, in my peripheral, I see it. I can't help but blush deeply. I'm so nervous right now.

"Have you ever sucked dick before?" Adam asks.

I shake my head. This is all honestly very new to me.

"Get on your knees and I'll show you."

Adam is so fucking drunk right now, I don't even think he knows what he's doing. He doesn't realize he's making me uncomfortable, otherwise he probably would've stopped here if he was sober.

I find myself trembling nervously. Should I resist or should I-

Before I could finish my thoughts, I start moving automatically. What. The. Fuck.

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