My pet whispers on two legs.

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He was always vocal, but he never "Whispered". It took a while for me to just get over how he looks, which it turns out he doesn't look all that strange, but he doesn't look like the others most of the time. He has three legs; the others have four and he doesn't have hair. He's been following me a lot more recently too. Staying in the same rooms I'm in, leaving when I leave. And his footsteps have gotten heavier. You can tell where he is in the whole house just by listening.

He's been acting differently for a while too, and smells different, even before we went to the vet. When we went, I couldn't really understand what the doctor was saying, the words were new to me, and I just wanted to get out of there. I wasn't understanding any of it. Which sounds like an off-topic thing, but I feel like I've been getting dumber, like simple things are getting more complex. But while we were there you could tell he wasn't doing good; he looked rough. And since then, it seems he's been getting worse. Other pets have been avoiding him. They just stop and stare at him. He's been avoiding other people if he can, which is not like him at all. He's fine being near me, but I'd really like for him to just give me some space. He's starting to make me paranoid.

He walks around the house faster, he started slamming doors, and he barks violently. It's only one-off barks too, it's not like a car ran by or anything. He doesn't eat in his bowl anymore. He's been eating less too. I used to watch him eat all the time, because sometimes he'd drop some of his food and once it's on the ground he doesn't touch it. That was the weirdest thing to me too, not only does he walk on two legs, which I just chalked up to him having only three, but he doesn't eat all his food when he gets any. So naturally if he drops any, I'll eat it for him.

He started crying a lot recently, and I don't mean like whimpering. He's almost crying like a person. And if I try to make him feel better, he hits me. So now I'm scared to get close to him, and I'd rather live somewhere else. We don't play at all anymore, sometimes we go outside, but not as much when people started watching. He's been making me wear his collar. And he's been using his leash on me, so I'd like to get this collar off. It still has his scent on it, and I know he'll use that to his advantage when he comes looking for me when I escape. I just need him to take me outside one more time and I'm gone. This isn't my pet. My pet never knew how to lock the door. But for now, he just walks around the house and whispers.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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