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Meanwhile, at another side, outside of the mansion, at the water stream which lead though the mansion, a Hoothoot carrying a Gloom up to the water runoff. Gloom landed, before looked down and saw Riley, who use the water stream to get to the mansion and called her two pokemon to clime up.  

"Okay, Gloom, use Vine Whip!" Riley called out. Then Gloom lower her vines down to the vampire girl as Riley took them. "Okay, Gloom, hold tight now. I'm coming up!" Riley then begun to clime up to the mansion. 

Unknowing Gloom was that three shadows was spying on her and also saw when Riley came up thought the water runoff.

"Good work, Hoothoot, Gloom, return." said Riley as she call back her pokemon. Then she begun to look around. After a while of walking, Riley reaching near the giant crystal petals surrounding the mansion, which beganing to grow much larger, because for Molly's wish came true.

"Now, all I need to do is to find my way to get inside the mansion." said Riley to herself. But then she could fell a pressense behind her. She turned around and saw three troll guards, one green, one purple and one red. All in diffrent size and is wielding lances. They are same ones Sharha summond and they were not happy to see Riley. 

Riley chuckle worried and says "You certainly don't want any visitors around here, so I'll just get my mother and then leave." Riley tried to move, but the troll guard pointed their lance at her, provong that they won't let Riley go back. 

Then, with their lances, they force Riley to marching straight to the mansion. At first, Riley think the troll guards are nuts, because looked at the mansion, it seem imposible to get in, but before she could hit the wall, something unthinkable happen. The guards' eyes turn light blue and then a hole in the crystallized wall appeared, making posible for Riley and the guards to enter. when the last guard enter, the hole close, and the guards's eye turn back to normal.

"The guards must have some...magic connection to the mansion, which allowed them creat holes in the mansion so they can enter and get out at their own wills." Riley thought to her self before looked back. "Well, I can't go back now or fight them..." said Riley before running as fast she could from them. "But maybe I can run away from them!"  

"Stop her!" said one of the troll guard as he ran after Riley. After taking a stop to catch some air, in front of her lay a corridor, from it other corridors went in all directions. the whole of Hale mansion has become like a labyrinth.

"It work!" said Riley as trying to catch some air, before looked around, looking for which corridor to go. "Now I only need to do is to find mommy and then get out of here." 

But before she could decided which way to go, she heard running footsteps, Riley then realize that soon, more guard trolls will come from all directions and she will be trap again unless she think of something fast.

Two troll guads ran past a suit of a knight's armor. Then the armor's visor open up, revealing Riley, who was hiding inside of the armor. It took a while for her get out of the armor, but Riley managed to get out of it. She begain to walk around a hallway, looking for Delia and also looked back to make sure she wasn't being followed.   

unfortunately for Riley, she didn't see that she was walking straight to a brown armored troll guard who was sleep. Then she bump into him and they both fell to the ground. the sound when they fall, echoed all around the hallway, catching the attention of two other guards.

"Hey, look! An intruder!" said one of the guard as they saw the brown troll guard, trying to get his helmet off of his head as it got stuck when he fell to the ground.

"Sorry. I'm so sorry, sir" Riley apolized to the guard, before saw a swarm of troll guard running straight to her. "eh oh, time to go!" Scream Riley as she run for her life.

Land Before time: Spell of the Evil SpiritsWhere stories live. Discover now