Chapter 4 - I don't want to love.

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The next day, I couldn't focus on anything. My mind kept drifting to last night. It wasn't even about what we did. It was about him. He was the reason I kept getting distracted today. I couldn't get my mind off of him.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't notise when Ballista walked over to me.

"Shady? You good? You've been all zoned out today." He said.

"What? Oh, sorry about that. I just... I had a rough night."

"Sure... By the way, I have some news!"

"And what would that be?"

"I asked Primal if they wanted to go for a coffee after work. And guess what, they said yes!" He exclaimed.

"Really? Good for you. At least your love life is working."

"What do you mean? I thought you said you didn't want a love life- Wait! Does that mean you're into someone?!" He asked loudly.

"Shush!" I placed my hand over his mouth. "The whole facility doesn't have to know!" I hissed.

"Sorry, sorry." Ballista mumbled, pulling hand away from his face. "But still, that's a huge thing Shady! Especially for you!"

"I'm not even sure about it yet..."

"Don't worry, you'll figure it out. Now, let's get to the important stuff: who is it?"

"No! I'm not telling you!"

"Come on! I told you when I figured out I have a thing for Primal. It's only fair if you tell me too!"

"Fuck being fair! I ain't telling you shit!"

"Come on! Please?" He asked with pleading eyes.

I sighed deeply. I didn't want to tell him! But on second thought, I knew he knew more about love and such stuff. Maybe he could help me with all this.

"Fine, but only if you promise to keep your mouth shut."


"...It's Victim-"

"I KNEW IT!" He exclaimed.

I don't understand why, but I felt my cheeks heating up at that. Why was I getting embarassed? This wasn't something I should be embarassed about... right?

"Shut up! You said you'd be quiet!" I hissed, giving him a shove.

"Sorry, sorry. But still! You like British Boy! And British Boy likes you back!"

"I highly doupt that."

"Think whatever you wanna think. I see the way he looks and talks to you. He favors you over everyone else. Why? Because he likes you!"

I thought for a moment. Was this possible? Was I really being favored this whole time? How did I not notise?

"Do you really think he does though?" I asked.

"Duh! Of course he does!"

"I dunno about this kid. I'm not sure if I even wanna do this whole 'love' thing. I don't want to love."

"Why not?"

"I just don't want to. Love is a waste of time that you could use for something usefull, like work."

"You do what you wanna do. But when you get old and won't be able to work anymore, you'll see how much you missed. See ya later." He said before walking away.

I thought about his words:

'True, I won't be able to work forever, but then again, I'm barely 29. I still have time... right? 29 isn't that old. But... then again it isn't that young either...


Maybe I should do something about this?...

No. I shouldn't. It's stupid.


But Ballista did say he likes me back... No. Shady! What are you doing? You have a job to focus on!


He is kinda cute though...


What do I do about this?

Maybe I should... I dunno... check if Ballista is right? I mean... I can't 100% trust that kid. He has his head in the clouds all the time.


How do I...

...give Victim a hint...?'

The whole day I couldn't get my mind to focus. I thought about Ballista's words. And well, about him.

I felt like I should give Victim a hint that I... y'know... like him, but I had no idea what to do. I've never dated anyone before. I didn't know how to flirt or how to seduce someone.

And then a thought came up to my mind. Maybe I could ask Ballista for advice? Of course, there was always the risk of him accidentally telling someone, but I was willing to take that risk.

I continued working untill lunchtime. Then, I headed towards the vending machine. I knew I would find him there. He was just as much of a coffee addict like me.

I walked over to him.

"Hey, Ballista? I... I have a question..."


HelloooOOoo!!! :D

First things first:

1. I'm so sorry that this is so short!! The next chapter will be longer I promise :V

2. I'm sorry that this took SO DAMN LONG to write!! My motivation flew to space along with my sanity :}

Uhh... so yeah.

Ngl, I'm kinda based Shady's thoughts off my own. Life is hard okay?

Words: 828

Stay safe guys and I will see you in the next chapter :3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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