XVI - Take Your Time

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Few days later the echo of the online article's impact still reverberated around Michelle. If anything, it had escalated into a sea of speculations and judgments.

"This is awful," Rhian muttered. "'Golddigger' and 'fleeting fancy' – these people have no idea!"

"Look at this one... 'Anntonia deserves better, how could she leave a good guy like Irfan for this?'" Niana, the youngest chimed in, "Good guy my ass, I bet he's even the one who spread these rumors."

Michelle snatched Niana's phone, her own phone already overflowing with similar vitriol. "Don't read them anymore," she said firmly. "They don't know what they're talking about."

"Anntonia's taking it the hardest," Michelle confided. "She never asked for any of this."

Guilt gnawed at Michelle as she thought about the toll the rumors were taking on both Anntonia and their café. "And it's not just her," her voice thick with sorrow. "The café is being bombarded with negative reviews online. People are calling it a 'cheating den' and saying they'll never support a business that condones such things. It's like they're trying to tear down everything we've worked so hard to build."

"It's not fair," Niana murmured. "They don't even know you two, yet they feel entitled to pass judgment."

"Mich, don't blame yourself for any of this," Rhian said gently, her voice filled with reassurance. "We'll weather this storm together, and once this blows over, we'll come back even stronger."


Michelle's phone vibrated on her bedside table. Her heart lurched seeing Anntonia's name. Hesitantly, she answered, bracing herself for the weight of the situation.

"Hey," Michelle started softly, the worry evident in her voice.

"Hi Mich," Anntonia replied, her voice strained. "I'm so sorry about everything. This whole thing has been a nightmare."

A choked sob escaped Anntonia's lips. "But it wouldn't have gotten this bad if I hadn't..."

"Hey, stop right there," Michelle interjected firmly, her voice laced with tenderness. "This isn't your fault. "We're in this together, okay? And we'll get through it. Together."

Silence hung between them for a moment, heavy with unspoken emotions. Finally, Anntonia spoke again, her voice softer now.

"I miss you, Mich. Like crazy. With all this chaos, I haven't even had a moment to breathe, let alone see you."

"I miss you too, baby. More than you know."

"I thought I was over people spreading lies and threatening to sabotage my reputation. But now it hurts more than ever because it's affecting someone I... I care about," the model said.

"You're right, they're just lies," Michelle said trying to calm down her girlfriend. "But you know what's real? Us, Ann. Our feelings. Don't let these rumors shake that."

A surge of warmth washed over Anntonia "They won't," she said with newfound conviction. "As long as we have each other."

Michelle chuckled softly, a hint of her usual lightheartedness returning. "We do. Besides, if we can survive that burnt vegetarian chili last time, we can definitely survive this."

"That was a disaster!" Anntonia said, her voice gaining strength.

"Exactly! We faced a disaster together then, and we came out okay. We'll do the same this time. I promise." Michelle said.


"Anntonia, listen," Chris started, his tone heavy, "a couple of brands have pulled out of upcoming campaigns. They're citing 'controversy' and wanting to avoid negative publicity."

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