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(I just saw this on TikTok so credit well not the whole.. Just the other-)


(This is either wholesome or cringe)

(Credit to the right owner of the picture!)

(I thought that the chapter 17 is gonna be so long and you all will be waiting so maybe i can just do this first and continue the chapter 17.. That i still doesn't have anything written on it yet...)

Skelly's POV:

-On Call-
???: Hi so uh.. we're gonna give you a dare cause we want to..  And you don't have choice but to accept our dare.
Skelly: Why?
???: because we say so..
Skelly: We?
???: Yeah now shut up and listen to our dare.
Skelly: ok.. Fine.
???: Yippiee!

???: We want you to call Wither your husband, tonight. Call him "hubby" or something... AND ACT LIKE YOU BOTH ARE REAL COUPLE!!!
Skelly: no..
???: Yes and YOU HAVE NO CHOICE.
Skelly: if i do that.. What will i get?
???: You will get to know if he really likes you.
Skelly: why would i want to know that?
???: Cause you like him?
Skelly: uhm.. No!
???: Stop lying Skelly, now do it or you will be erase.
Skelly: from where?
???: from this universe.
Skelly: how can you do that?
???: I'm your.. Mom.
???: Don't say that!
???: *chuckles*
Skelly: ... Okay, since i am so bored.. I'll do it.
???: YESS.. Thank you!
Skelly: mhm..
-Skelly hang up-

Now, what the hell was that all about? Whatever.. I am on Wither's car and waiting for him to get me my milktea that i ordered him to order me.

He come back and give me the milktea. "Thank you hubby!" I said and smile at him and he smile back and get ready to drive but then he stop and look at me. "What did you just called me?" He ask. "Uhm.. Wither?" I said lying. "No, you did not call my name, you called me something else." He said and slowly smirking.

"You just called me hubby! Aww, Skelly.. Are you practicing our call sign in the future?" He said and have his devious smirk. "Shut up, hubby." I said and roll my eyes and take a sip on my milktea.

"You're so cute Skelly.." He said and go back to start the car and start driving. We're gonna go to a party and some of my classmates is invited too. Oh shit.. I realize that i have to call him my husband in the party too.. AHHHHHHHHHHH, why am i so stupid?

We finally got to the party and it's crowd but it looks fun. "Hello Skelly!" The girl skeleton said and and i just smile at her. "Yo, Skelly!!" My cousin greeted me in the hallway. "Who's that you're with?" My cousun ask, his name is Jason. "Uhm.. He's Wither.. Uhm.. My husband.." I whisper quietly but Jason and Wither heard it and their eyes is wide open.

"Your what!?" Jason yell and glare at Wither and Wither is just awkwardly smiling at Jason. "Did you make my cousin drink a love potion?" My cousin ask to Wither. "W-what.. No! Why would i do that? A-and he is just joking!" Wither explain and shake his head, i laugh cause i think this is funny.

"Skelly.. Is this true?" Jason ask. "No, he's my husband.." I said and couldn't stop laughing. "You liar, you really give my cousin a love potion!" Jason said to Wither and Wither is just glaring at me angrily. Ohhh shit, HAHHAHAHHAHAH

And so i hold Wither's hand and walk away. "We'll talk to you later cousin!!" I yell happily. "What the hell was that Skelly??" Wither ask with his annoyed tone. "Chill, i just need to do this, hubby.." I said and smile at him. "Uhm.. Why? And stop calling me that now.. O-only when we're alone..." He whisper and i chuckle. "Nahh.. I don't want to." I said and he just face palm.

We just go to the edge of this room where only counted mob can see us. I take of his hand on his face and pinch his cheek. "Don't be mad Hubby, i know you're enjoying this!" I said and it made him scoff and smile.. "Okay.. But save me if we get in trouble because of you.." He said and i just nod.

Someone approach us and it's Wrena.. Great. "Heyy Skelly.. Uhm, why are you holding Wither like that?" She ask and raised her eye brow. "Cause he's my husband!" I said and her eyes is wide open, pfft.. Their reaction is so funny.

"You what what??" She said kinda aggressively. "Get over it Wrena.. You both already broke up so he's mine now." I said and wink at her. I'm so good at this.. And she just look at me more aggressively. I look at Wither that got his smile and just looking at somewhere, aww is he flustered?

"I will not gonna forget about this and you will get what you deserve Skelly!" She yell. "I deserve Wither so.. I will get him? Oh wait, i already got him." I said with a smirk and her one eye is now flinching in anger and she just walk away. "Pfft.. You made her look pathetic.. " Wither whisper and i smile at him. "She deserves it, Hubby!" I said.

"Okay Skelly.. What's with you today? You've been acting so weird.. Is there a potion in that milktea you'd drink?" He said and ask. "Don't worry about it, hubby!" I said and hug him.

"And.. Why wouldn't i? You're literally hugging me right now!" He said and i chuckles. "YOU NEVER DID THIS WITH NO REASON!!" He yell that got the other's attention. Fuck you Wither.. Fuck you.

"My hubby.. Will you shut up?" I whisper ask Wither. And he just got quite and he hug me back. "What's happening right now.. I don't like it." He whisper. "So.. You don't like me?" I ask. "I do like you.. But uhm..-" he said and i cover his mouth. "You said it!" I said and smile at him.

I take out my hand from covering his mouth and look at him. "Do you like me?" He ask. "Probably yes or probably no.. Who knows?" I said and he looks at our side with a pout. "Aww, you're acting like me!" I said and we both laugh.

The music changes, it turns into a romantic music.. "ALRIGHT!!! DANCE WITH YOUR PARTNER!!!" The DJ said and starting to dance with himself. Wither lend me his hand and i put mine and he pull me in his by my waist.

We slowly dance with the beat of music and eye to eye. "Isn't this romantic?" He ask sweetly. "Yeah.." I said and just follow his steps cause i don't know how to dance.. I avoid eye to eye him cause i am now getting embarrass cause of my steps..

"Don't worry Skelly.. Just follow me, alright?" He said and he made me lay my head on his chest and we slowly dance. Same things with everyone in the party.

"Since i am your husband Skelly.. Can i touch you tonight?" He ask whispering and it got me blush.. "Ahhh!! No!" I said and he laugh. "But i am your husband, right?" He said mockingly.. "Shut up.." I whisper and he chuckles.

Ziviah's POV:

Ziviah: Did you record it?
Ainsley: yeah, i have recorded everything!
Ziviah: good!
Ainsley: we're such a good drivers..
Ziviah: heyy, that's my line!
Ainsley: oh wait, oh yeah!

Ziviah: we're such a good drivers..
Ainsley: Yeah.. Ouch! Why did you step on my foot??
Ziviah: sorry, i don't know how to dance too!
Ainsley: it's fine! *step on my foot back*
Ziviah: hey! You did that on purpose!
Ainsley: *evil laugh*

(I'll do some extra scene more!!!)

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