Your bday/ N•S

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Your living with Crüe btw.

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Your POV

I wake up and rub my eyes slowly, I yawn and remember 'Today's my Birthday!' I think to myself while grinning ear to ear. I jump out of bed and walk into the the living room excitedly, but it was quiet which was weird usually the guys would be pretty loud or at least be in the living room but I couldn't see anyone. I look side to side and just shrug it off and walk over to the fridge and grab a some bread. I drop it into the toaster and Tommy walks out of his room looking very tired and hungover "Hey. Y/N" he says yawning as he drops onto the sofa grabbing the remote. "Hey Tom." I say frowning a bit "Y'know what day it is?" I ask him smiling a bit more.
"Uh Tuesday? I dunno?" He replies. I sigh and take my toast out of the toaster.

Later that day

I was really upset that day, everyone forgot my birthday.
I sat down on the sofa by myself flicking through the TV channels. I couldn't find anything that interested me. I turned the TV off and sighed to myself. 'This is the worst fucking birthday ever' I lied across the sofa staring at the ceiling blankly, then someone came in.

My head jerked up and saw Nikki tip-toeing into the room. I chuckle "Why are you walking like that?" He looks at me a bit startled and laughs nervously. "No reason." I looked at him and saw that he was hiding something behind him. "Watcha got there Sixx?" I say standing up trying to see.
He turns away so i can't see it. "Its a surprise." He whispers. I grin "For me?" I say tilting my head to the side trying to get a peek. He doesn't reply. "Cmon Sixx i wanna see," I whined. "Pleasee."

He pulled out a big cake "Happy Birthday!" He exclaimed smiling cheerfully.

My eyes widened and i looked up at him "Thanks Nikki!" I cheer pulling Nikki into a big hug. Nikki first was surprised about this sudden hug. He put the cake down on the counter nearby and hugged me back kissing me gently. "Love ya princess" He whispered giving me another kiss.
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I know this was pretty short and rlly weird hoped you liked it bye :)

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