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— Yoo Jeongyeon ! Thank you for coming

— It's quite normal, I don't get to see you all the time.

— I'm sorry for working too hard Jeongyeon

— It's alright

The older girl smiles innocently at me. If she knew, her reaction would be different. We've been friends since primary school. Our relationship has lasted just over fifteen years.

— Would you like some tea ?

I offer Jeongyeon her favorite drink. Tea has become rarer lately. Only donors can buy it.

— Yes, please.

— I'll make you some. How's your sister-in-law? What's her name again ? Dayeon ?

— Dahyun, she's doing very well. She recently got her scholarship back after three years. You know I feel bad about inviting her, right ?

— It's not your fault, Jeongyeon. It was just an accident.

A rather serious accident. Dahyun was in a coma for a little over a year. She was suffering from amnesia. But she seems to be doing well.

I boil some water in the kettle Chaeyoung received for his tenth birthday. A tradition with them.

— And with this ?

— Wada

— Wa. ... What ?

— Wada, I know you slept with him and I also know he's in hospital.

How did she know ? Even my two best friends don't know !

— Who told you this nonsense ? I would never sleep with him even for a fortune !

I say this while receiving a call from Im Nayeon. Toshiaki's in trouble.

— Im Nayeon, she reads aloud

— Do you know her ?

—  Of course I know her ! She's my best friend. And if she calls you, it's because your "friend" has a problem, so go on.

— Are you sure you don't want me to stay ?

— I'm sure.


— Wada Toshiaki will die madame

— Today ?

— Yes, his heart is too fragile

What a tragedy ! He can't die ! I don't want to believe it. I burst into tears in front of the doctor.


He just died. After an hour. I look at him and bid him a final farewell. I approach Nayeon and join her in her office.

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