Chapter 14: No Hiccups Left

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It seemed unfair to Calypso, cruel even, that the hiccup was left until the very end. Which, it turned out, felt more like being shot in the chest.

"We had word this morning from Isla's biological father." The judge explained, the silence of the room turning infinitely more still and soundless, waiting the horrifying moments it took her to skim over the notes at her desk. "A letter was left through an envoy a few hours prior stating his agreement to relinquish parental claim of the child under agreement to the same conditions that were in place during the care of her grandmother; in which he demands visitation rights a minimum of once a year."

This was a good thing, Calypso told herself, while simultaneously forgetting how to breathe.

"However," She continued, Cal's heart thumping audibly in her chest. "Given light of Mew's recent behaviour during the granted probationary period, the court has decided that in no conceivable way would his involvement in the life of this child be a benefit to her upbringing or wellbeing. And as such, the court has decided not to grant these demands."

The tightness in Calypso's chest felt like it had just turned to helium. The little girl beside her frowning as if trying to make sense of the big words she was hearing.

"Furthermore, taking into account the shortcomings over the last eleven months in his attempts to arrange visitation while under the custody of the state and lack of interest in doing so since his release, the court has decided to further declare this a case of abandonment. And as such, Mew's parental rights have been legally and indefinitely terminated. The adoption may proceed."

Well, that just took five years off my life, Calypso thought as she slumped back into her chair, catching sight of Nudee's subtle nod of emotional support.

This was happening, this way really actually happening. She understood, a part of her brain reminding her of the fact, that the legalities of this would change nothing tangible. It was a formality. A simple set of paperwork to be filled away with an amended name now home beside Isla's. The judge's words meant little to her in the grand scheme of things - but Isla's had, and would probably continue to.

She had a daughter.

But in truth, She'd had a daughter for months now.


Isla was given the opportunity to close the hearing. Calypso couldn't remember the sound of the gavel ever filling her lungs with so much relief. Before she'd scrambled back down to her, a proud smile lighting up her face - though she still seemed mildly oblivious to the weight of what had just happened.

An appointed photographer asked if they'd like a photo with the judge, and Isla's innate reaction had been to rush back to the benches towards Emery before insistently pulling her in too. Emery wasn't even sure if she'd be allowed. But no one protested.

Apart from Tommy, a moment later, who wanted to be in a photo too - which ensued Isla's decision that they needed a photo with everyone.

Emery wasn't even sure how they all managed to fit, but she didn't think her heart had ever felt so big in all her life. But that only made the pain worse.


The sun was warm as Emery stepped back into the fresh air over the marble steps of the building's entrance, looking up to find a handful of light clouds painted across the sky.

"Thank god that's over." She confessed, only her friends around to hear. Calypso and Isla were still waiting for the updated birth certificate, they'd only be a minute, she'd promised. But Tommy had been ready to start using the benches as a climbing frame so Marima had suggested the rest of them step outside. 

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