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Today was the morning of my birthday week and I still wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to do for it. As I layed out my clothes for the day I couldn't help but wonder what some of my friends were doing, and maybe I could just hang out with some of them a few times this week leading up to my birthday.

There was someone specific I had in mind, and it was one of my best friends, Taylor. Taylor and I had been friends for about a year and a half and we were extremely close, and I would say we have a very platonic relationship. Her and I would be very affectionate with each other whether it was just hugs or cuddles, or even small kisses on the lips.

It never went over that, as in, no full blown make out sessions, or any deep intimate affection. I don't know exactly how she felt about me and it sometimes hurts that she doesn't clear the air. I mean, she talks about finding someone and being in a relationship with them, but then again we're over here kissing and all this crap, acting as if we're dating, but then it seems like she doesn't want to clearify what we are.

Speak of the devil, as I look down at my phone which is ringing extremely loudly, I see Taylor's name as the caller ID so I immediately pick up the phone and answer it.

Me: "Hello Taylor, what's up?"

Taylor💗: "I'm amazing! I was calling because I know it's your birthday week and you explained to me a few days ago you weren't doing anything for it, so I wanted to surprise you with a trip to the Bahamas!!" As she says this my eyes widen and my mind races with questions about what the hell is happening.

Me: "Y-You're serious...? And when are we leaving for this? Girl you could have told be before."

Taylor💗: "Well if I told you before then it wouldn't have been a surprise babe. Just pack your things right now, we're leaving in five hours. I'll be there to pick you up in four hours so we can start making our way to my private jet. Okay? Alright love you bye!"

Me: "I-"

Before I can even respond to anything she completely hangs up the phone and leaves me staring at her contact photo. My mind was still blown by the fact she had been planning this for a while, and made me continue to question how she really felt about me. Because if I was having 'friendly' feelings towards my friend, I wouldn't take that much of my time preparing all of this unless I liked them more than that.

Like sure, I would do something like this for Taylor, but I wouldn't do something like this for Selena or Lana. If that makes any sense. Although she's very confusing, instead of making a fuss about whether or not she likes me, I decide to be smart for once and pack so I'm not running around when she gets here.

As I rambled through my drawers I finally found two of my favorite bikinis. Both of them were pretty skimpy but the only difference between the two was one was black and gold and the other was baby pink. After I had put those in ny suit case, I began to pack the most important things, my clothes.


Around two hours later my packing job was complete but the problem was, I couldn't close the suit case. If I had to guess, I was probably as red as a tomato with how hard I was working just to zipper this stupid thing. I groan and completely walk away and out of my bedroom as I walk downstairs when suddenly I hear my front door slam open. "Honey I'm home!" Taylor's voice rings through the house as I turn the corner and finally come face to face with her. She looked beautiful in the short skirt and little crop top she was wearing, but I needed her help so I roughly take her hand and rush upstairs. "You look stunning but I need help! My stupid suitcase won't close!"

IMAGINES [1]- TAYLOR SWIFTWhere stories live. Discover now