𝗶'𝗺 𝗳𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲𝗿 | 𝗸.𝗸𝘆𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗶

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[fluff] 800 words

you and kentaro kyoutani a.k.a mad dog have been in a relationship for a while now an while hot headed and short tempered he was also a jealous guy so

when you were talking to your science partner, a guy from your class, he saw you talking to him and laughing all buddy buddy and he didn't like that one bit, an irk mark appear on his head knowing how much you didn't like him causing a scene he decides to leave and just meet you later



it was lunch and you haven't seen your boyfriend all day, usually he goes to your classroom to eat together or just meet you, but he was nowhere to be seen today

it was lunch and you haven't seen your boyfriend all day, usually he goes to your classroom to eat together or just meet you, but he was nowhere to be seen today

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where are you
is your phone dead?
i haven't seen you all day



you sigh seeing your massage was ignored, you thought for a second and the only explanation is that he's mas but you can't think of a reason why??

the day went by and until the last period you still haven't seen your grumpy boyfriend



kyoutani was in a bad mood all day, his underclassmen was even more scared than usual

"uh kyoutani are you okay?" yahaba asks his teamate as he was the only one dare to do so
"tf? do i look like i'm not okay?" his voice harsh
"yea you look like you're about to murder someone, who shoved a stick up your ass today?" yahaba answers back only to be replied with a scoff and an angry huff by kyoutani

BANG... BANG....

the voice of volleyballs echo, the boys looks at kyoutani and sweat drop, the boy was playing even more sloppy and harsher than usual, majority of the balls falling out of bounds or hitting someone

"mad dog chan! calm down or i wont let you practice anymore" oikawa says annoyed at his kouhai's behaviour

"the fuck?" kyoutani barks

"calm down kyoutani" iwaizumi cut him off and to that he obeyed and go and sits down but not without punching the gym's wall first and muttering some curse words under his breath

kunimi your closest friend, knows better and decides to tell you since he thought this probably has to do with you

kunimi your closest friend, knows better and decides to tell you since he thought this probably has to do with you

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what did you even do to make him this pissed

i didn't even meet him today

what are you sure? i thought he went to your classroom earlier

huh he never-
oh fuck

whatever it is just go here
before he burst our balls



you quickly recall what you did today earlier and you remember that you were talking with that one guy, you know he was a jealous guy but you didn't think he saw you

you saw the boys locking up the gym and you spotted your boyfriend, when you were about to call him, a voice was heard

"y/n-san" it was you science partner

this not only caught you attention but also kyoutani's shittt you thought

"i want to give you back your book from earlier, thanks for lending it" he says
"ah yes, your welcome" you answers politely
suddenly you feel an eerie feeing behind you
the guy looks behind you and suddenly shrieks
"EEK- i uh, anyways ill get going soon y/n-san" and before you even says anything he bolted out of there

you turn around to see him
anger evident in his face

"KEN! stop glaring, you're scaring the dude for God's sake" you say looking at him now
"i'm not glaring" he says sassily, "YOU'RE GLARING" you say again now hands crosses over your chest
he huff and just grab your hand "lets go home"


you're both now walking to your house in comfortable silence, hand in hand
"he makes you laugh" he break the silence suddenly, embarrassed to admit he was jealous
"omg ken are you jealous???" you say now looking at him expectantly, grinning

"am not" he scoffs "and I'm funnier anyways" he mumble barely even audible "pfftt, you dont have a sense of humor ken" you says
"then go to that comedian of yours then tf?" he says sarcastically while scrunching his whole face

"aww its okay ken, you're the only one for me" you say patting his head while still holding hands

"tch whatever" he blushed now looking away but tightening his grip, even when he can't admit it, you can make him feel all sort of feelings he thought he would never feel, but above all you make him feel, loved. and he would be willing to kill anyone that tries to take that away from him, anyone that tries to take YOU away from him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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