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i grabbed two cups, pouring pink whitney into one of them and smirnoff vodka into the other.

obviously the pink whitney was for me. i hate the taste of pure alcohol. the only types of liquor i can drink when sober are the ones whose flavor is covered by something else and the taste isn't noticeable.
the smirnoff was for wilhelm because he probably didn't want to deal with everything at the moment, and what better way to get wasted than straight vodka.

i fixed my hair and made my way back to the couch.

august now had his arm around wilhelm and was saying something to him while his face looked irked.
he was looking around the room, probably for me.

i approached the two and handed the cup to wilhelm. he smelled it and scrunched up his nose at the strong smell.

august gave me a small smile then turned to wilhelm.
"är ni två vänner?"
(are you two friends?)

"ja" wilhelm replied.

i could see the annoyance that august was trying to hide at wille's response.

he looked at me up and down and smiled, slightly squeezing wilhelms arm.
"and i thought that i'd be the one to introduce you to each other." he said, forcing a laugh.

"we met earlier, i told you." i said.


wilhelm took a big sip of his drink; me copying him and doing the same.

the atmosphere between the three of us was awkward.

that was until august left and returned holding a pack of beer, a bottle of vodka, and the 3/4's full bottle of pink whitney i had drank from.
then he brought a bottle of tequila and we began doing shots.

i took one shot.

then another,

and another.

by one a.m, the music at the party was somehow louder than before, the people were more hyped up, the entire place smelled of alcohol,
and i was on my... seventh? shot of tequila.
wilhelm was on his 11th, and august was on his 6th can of beer.

i had forgotten i came here with my friends altogether. everything around me felt blurry and way too enhanced. my head was spinning and
it felt like my eyes had those fish eye lens that cameras have. the only clear thing i could see was the beautiful guy dancing in front of me.

i heard a new song begin playing.
and it wasn't loud electronic/techno music like before, it was a slow spanish club song.

one i'd heard a million times when partying in spain with my old friends.
any other time, i would've questioned this music choice being made by rich swedish teenagers, but i didn't give a shit that moment.

august reached his hand out to me, and being in my drunken state, i took it without hesitation.
he pulled me closer to him and i didn't move away.

i danced with him instead.

ours bodies were near each-other. so close i could smell his expensive cologne.
it was probably some rare european perfume that he spent hundreds of money on.

we kept dancing together until he left to go to the bathroom.

i got bored and began walking around the party. i made my way over to the drink table and drank liquor that was in a random cup. i was so intoxicated by then that it tasted like water.
from the corner of my eye, i noticed a guy approaching me.

he began speaking to me and saying some stuff in swedish but i couldn't and didn't want to understand.

august returned from the bathroom, seemingly a bit more sober than before. i heard him ask vincent and some of his other friends where wilhelm was but no one knew.
he noticed the boy who was talking to me and quickly walked over to where we were.

"y/n, hej. do you know where wilhelm is?" he asked me.

i shook my head.

"i think... we should get going, no?"
he slid closer to me and put his hand around my waist, lightly moving me away from the random guy who was trying to speak to me.

he raised his eyebrows at him and the boy walked off.

august moved to stand in front of me, putting his other hand on the side of my waist; bending down slightly to reach my level.
"you like your parties, don't you?" he smiled and laughed.

"maybe." i replied looking into his blue eyes.
my own eyes felt heavy and like it was too hard to keep them open.

by now i realised i had way too much to drink for a sixteen year old girl; i probably reeked of liquor.
and i felt the high of the partying coming off, everything hitting me.

august noticed my state and furrowed his eyebrows.
"who- who did you come here with?"

i squinted my eyes and looked to the side trying to remember.

i shrugged and he sighed.

"you don't remember."
it was more of a statement than a question.

i shook my head, feeling a sudden nausea hit me.

all too well // august horn av årnäs x readerWhere stories live. Discover now