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Ava couldn't help but stare expectantly as Celeana sat back down in the armchair, leaning back against the cushion haughtily. It was an exceptionally smug move that brought forth a ripple of annoyance in Ava, but she suppressed it. She watched as Celeana ran a hand through their silvery hair before sighing.

"Way back when the universe was formed, everything lived in harmony. The Gods, the Planets, and all of the universe's inhabitants roamed freely, able to move between worlds and dimensions unlike anything any human could ever imagine. We could pass freely through time as time allowed. For the Gods and the Planets, this was never an issue. It did not matter how we traveled, for, as you can imagine, we are considered immortal. We can not easily be killed or destroyed unless by another like ourselves."

"Which is to say that considering they all fear the possibility of death that none of them will attack another," Marcella interjected, drawing an unamused look from Celeana.

"However, the humans decided that this was not enough," Celeana continued. "After long discussions it was decided that we would take back the power that we had given. They were too destructive and careless with our gifts. In turn, this also meant that we were unintentionally taking from ourselves."

"In what way?" Ava asked curiously.

"What we didn't know was that by giving and taking our gifts, we would be further depleting our power."

"It's the principal of giving and taking," Marcella further explained. "Everything that's created takes from something else and this extended out to the Gods."

"We were foolish," Celeana said, shaking their head. "We considered ourselves immortal – and we are – but did not consider what it would mean for our powers."

"So even though you don't attack each other, you're not exactly...safe? Immortal?" Ava questioned.

"Still immortal, just weak," Marcella clarified. "It's stupid."

Celeana continued, ignoring Marcella. "To help rectify our issues, we started to create our powers – or at least create a method of ensuring our powers could be maintained. For myself, it's found in the wolves. For the sun, it's the priests and priestesses that are willing to worship. For the Earth, it's the humans that are willing to take care and serve."

"Witches," Marcella said. "Celeana means witches."

"There are witches?" Ava asked.

"You're a werewolf and you're going to ask if there are witches?"

Ava fell silent as she winced, shoulders slumping. The idea of her being a werewolf was one that she was still actively trying to ignore. It was still an extremely ludicrous thought. Despite the proof that she had in front of her, it still seemed impossible and that it couldn't be real. As if to prove that point, Ava rubbed her eyes in the hopes that she would somehow wake up from whatever nightmare she was having. She nearly pinched herself, but when she looked up at Marcella who shook her head, Ava deflated even further.

"So, everything has something," Ava finally said, breaking the silence.

"More or less," Celeana confirmed. "But it transcends even that. With the give and take there is a need for protection."

"From what?"

"The mortals. There needs to be balance of which was no longer being maintained. The very gifts that we gave humans were the very gifts set to destroy this Earth. Humans took power and used it to the best of their ability to be destructive. Entire ecosystems destroyed, others threatened by extinction. Punishment was needed for these actions and the need to ensure our powers remained safe was needed."

"The Earth needing help I can understand. But what about the Moon?"

"Unfortunately for us," Marcella started, casting Celeana a look, "the Moon is vital to our ecosystem. With the possibility of Celeana losing power, it meant that the Sun was threatened. Celeana is vital to our very existence and the universe."

"Yes, so by creating punishments and enacting a method of ensuring that power still exists, it helps lead to harmony," Celeana added. "And while the wolves offer power, it's not enough."

"So Celeana created werewolves," Marcella scoffed. "And of course it is one of the most painful things ever." Ava looked at Marcella in alarm. "What? The burning sensation wasn't enough for you to make that realization on your own?"

"I just thought it was from the bite," Ava admitted, feeling stupid the moment the words left her mouth.

"Yeah, well, it's definitely more than just the bite," Marcella said bitterly. "We granted the ability of near immortality, the ability to stay young, all for the low low price of excruciating pain once a month – or twice if things don't line up. But hey, we already suffer monthly as it is anyway, so what does it matter, right?"

Ava wasn't sure what to make of Marcella. She seemed to oscillate between acting what Ava assumed was normal for her and then exceptionally angry. Was that a side effect of being a werewolf? She wouldn't be surprised when she thought about the things she knew about werewolves and shuddered at the thought of snapping teeth – especially Marcella's in her direction. But then Marcella's words clicked with her.

"I'm sorry," Ava said with a nervous laugh. "Did you just say..." Ava trailed off and cleared her throat, shaking her head with another laugh. "You can't be serious about the immortality thing? And staying young? That's you just trying to joke, right?"

"Finally picked up on that, did you?" Marcella laughed bitterly. "Tell you what – answer this for me. How old do you think I am?"

It took Ava a few minutes to answer as she studied Marcella closely. "No older than 35," she said, certain of the answer. She frowned when Marcella barked out a laugh and fell into a fit of laughter. She looked over at Celeana who rolled their eyes in response. "What?" Ava asked, brows knitting together in confusion.

"Try 105," Marcella said when she finally stopped laughing long enough to speak. Ava felt as though all of her blood drained completely out of her body, leaving her frozen.

"Y-you can't be serious," Ava said with a laugh of disbelief. She looked between Celeana who only stared back and Marcella who wore an amused grin on her face. Ava slumped back against her headboard, running her hands through her hair. She studied Marcella still uncertain, trying to rationalize the possibility that she could be 105. It didn't feel real, and yet... "You're serious," Ava said breathlessly.

"As serious as can be," Marcella said. "105 and still feel like I'm 28 like when Celeana decided she needed me. Well, maybe not right this exact moment," she added, stretching so that her joints made an audible popping sound as she moved. "But it's not terrible. Think I started to finally get used to things after about, oh...50 or so years."

Ava fidgeted with the edge of her blanket, grimacing as she spotted the wide patch of blood – her blood – on the comforter. She was already trying to figure out how best to remove it, needing some sort of normalcy for a moment. The room was silent, Celeana and Marcella seemingly recognizing that Ava needed some time to herself to try and think for a moment. She studied her hands as she fidgeted, chewing the inside of her cheek as she tried to process everything. Even though she still didn't fully understand, she looked up at Marcella and Celeana.

"If all of this is so important, why did you choose me?" Ava asked, feeling the bubble of anger threaten to surface once more. "What good could I be for any of this?"

Celeana was silent, contemplative. Marcella only looked at Celeana as if waiting for a response, but then Celeana rose from the chair. "I think I will leave you two to talk," Celeana said before turning to Marcella. "You know how to contact me if needed. I don't believe that you will need my assistance, but..." Celeana let their words trail off before suddenly disappearing in the blink of an eye leaving Ava and Marcella alone.

Embracing the Monster Within [ONC 2024]Where stories live. Discover now