3. Talent

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Both Mingi and Yunho were now out of high school and 4 months into university. While Mingi continued modeling, now being in a pretty famous agency, but still attending college, Yunho focused more on drawing, and got into an art school. He had even created a secondary Instagram account (beside his primary private account) where he posted his artworks pretty much every day.

He didn't tell about the fact that he draws to Mingi though because... What if he found his Instagram page, discovered that he drew, and then asked about his drawings, which would lead to Mingi finding out about the drawings of him? He would learn about Yunho's intense feelings for him! But what if he were disgusted by him after that?!? He had been in love with Mingi FOR YEARS already after all... These thoughts made him not allow himself to let the other know.

Those were also the questions that swirled inside his mind when he saw Mingi online on Insta. Of course, he only posted the still life drawings and sometimes just random people or famous celebrities, but still... He just couldn't risk it. It would be fatal. On top of that, he had grown quite a big Fandom. Up to 15k people were following him! 15 THOUSAND F**KING PEOPLE! They absolutely weren't allowed to know about his sexual prefence (for the same reason as for Mingi, which is the possible disgust) ! He didn't want to take the risk of losing the respect of his followers...

To avoid any suspicions or mistakes if Mingi DID find out about the drawings, he split his artworks in two different stacks and stocked them in two different places: the 'normal' stack was inside a little pouch, placed in a drawer in his desk and the more... intimate stack (the ones of Mingi) was placed on top of his closet.

As he was now in university, he had changed cities and he now lived in a dorm near the city center. Not wanting to leave Yunho's side, Mingi also moved into the same building. As such, both still spent a lot of time together. They would go home together on days where they finished at the same time. They would then go to one of their rooms and spend the rest of the evening doing finishing work and simply spending time with each other.

Today was one of these days: this time they went to Yunho's room. Mingi however had an assignment due the next day in a class called "theoretical modeling" and he had to write an essay on some designer creations and something like color theory and its impact on the modeling world. So that night, he was on full writing mode, not even having time to eat or even drink.

"Mingi, please just at least hydrate yourself!!! I can't just let you NOT EAT AT ALL while I'm just next to you watching you work till death!... Mingiii pleaaase!!! Ugh... I'm just gonna leave dinner next to you. Please eat it when you're done. I'll be in the common room waiting for you."

"Yeah alright, alright! Don't worry... I know you're gonna kill me if I don't... You almost did once before. I won't forget about it THAT easily!"

At that, Yunho left the room. An hour later, Yunho got a phone call by Mingi.

"Hey Hyung, I'm done! I just need to staple it together and I'll come down. Where do you keep your stapler?"

"Heve you eaten the dish yet? You better have!"

"Yeah, I actually did! Decided to take a little break just after you left"

"Good... Anyway the stapler is in one of the top drawers in my desk."

"Mhm thanks! See you in five!"

"See ya!"

Then the call ended.

On the other side, Mingi quickly rummaged in the drawers for the stapler... Just to find a blue sheet pouch next to it.

"... Huh? What is this?..."

He took out the sheet pouch and slowly opened it. In it, there were A LOT of drawings. They were beautiful! And each and every one of them had the same signature and Instagram username written on it. Mingi figured it could be Yunho's and typed the username into his phone.

" '@gold3n_retriever88' let's see... Oh my... These are... The posted drawings are... the same... as those that are right here. Why didn't he tell me? Gotta ask Yunho about it later!!!"

After stapling the stack of documents together, he put the pouch and the stapler back. After that, he left the room and went to the common room. He saw Yunho with a sketchbook on his lap and a pencil in his hand.

He's... kinda attractive like this, Mingi thought.

He afterwards slowly started going towards Yunho. At each step, his heart beat quicker and stronger. He wanted to know how he could do such an amazing job! These extraordinary creations made with care by his best friend.

He wanted Yunho to teach him. He was absolutely inspired by his drawings!! He wanted to know more about him. He wanted to be the person to know the most about him!

There weren't any other people except Yunho in the common room, which... actually WASN'T quite 'common'. So when Mingi arrived behind him, he promptly pulled him back by the waist to hug him from behind.

"Hey Hyung I'm back!", he said simultaneously, with a big smile on his face.


He... He just couldn't say anything and just went red.

Redder than the reddest thing on earth. He literally transformed into a living tomato.

Mingi's smile then faded a bit to make place for a guilty look.

"Heyy... L-listen... I know I shouldn't have looked at it without your permission but... I saw your artworks while looking for the stapler. I'm so sorry... "

Here we go, the moment I absolutely wanted to avoid... I'm gonna regret this...

"... Anyways... I'd like you to teach me."


CHAPTER 3 IS NOW FINIIIIISHED!!! Starting now, things are gonna get a bit juicyyy😜

God it was actually a bit difficult to find time to write the chapter today😩 all my family is currently gathered at home and my little cousin always wanted to play with me, which I didn't mind cause she's too cute to say now, but still... On top of that, I had to write application letters for a university and... Let's just say it took time. Quite a lot of time. Anyways, little funfact: for the Instagram username, I was actually inspired by one of my best friends who has a very similar username. What do you think about the full chapter? I hope it is to your liking and... Happy Easter to y'all! 🐰

An artist's muse 🌸YUNGI🌸 (short story) Where stories live. Discover now