chapter 1

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I was quietly walking through the school hall listening to my friend Sam talk about the girls he found pretty this week. When my eyes landed on Nick with his jet blue hair and piercings and his dark brown eyes. He was known as the typical bad boy but for some reason I was drawn to him.

" Earth to Eden", Sam said as he waves his hand in front of my face.

" Huh yeah" I say as I snap out of my day dream

The bell ring saving me from the awkward conversation that was going to happen . I quickly waved before walking to my first period. I walk to my seat in the back of the class as I put my air pods in and wait for the teacher to do roll call. When there was a tap on my shoulder as I quickly look up to see Nick standing over me.

"Y-y-yes" I stutter as I keep looking at him as I bites my lip.

"Can you switch seats with me I usually sit in the back" Nick says as he taps his foot as he waits for a response.

I get up and move to the seat next to it as I quietly start to take notes as I try not to stare at him as I quickly glance at the clock. a piece of paper land on my desk as I slowly grab the paper. As I look around to see who threw the note at me. I look back at the note as I slowly open up the note

Eden i'm having a party at my house I hope to see you there and can you ask Sam to bring the alcohol and be a doll to bring snacks if you show up.

I finished reading the note as I look around again still not spotting anyone that could have left the note. I waited for the bell ring as I lay my head on the table and stair at the note. As I try to think who would want me to come to their party. the only person to ever invite me to their party was Sam and even then I didn't go. I wasn't really into the whole party thing.

The bell finally rings as I just sit there for a couple of more minutes before getting up. I grab the note and my bag as I walk to my free period as I look for Sam as I needed to show him the note. I take my seat and wait for him as I lay my head on the desk as I slowly fall asleep.

I sleep for half the class when I feel someone freezing cold hand against my bare arm causing me to shiver. I slowly blink the sleep away as I look up at the person standing in front of me.

" Hey did you get the note I left you" Nick asked as he looked down at me

I look up at him as I responded " your the one that left me the note "

He nods as I look down at the note for a moment as I try to process what he has said as I could feel him staring at me. I bite my lip as I slowly look up to him .

" Yes I did why did you invite me to your party" I ask him

" I don't know I just did. Do I really have to have a reason " Nick responded

I stairs at him a little longer before looking away as I Lay my head on the cold desk as I slowly drifts off sleep. I feel something warm and cozy being gently placed around my shoulder as I sleep for the rest of class.

I jolt awake when the loud sound of the fire alarm goes off as I look around the library. I slowly get up and walk towards the exit as my mind drifts off to what it would be like to be burned alive. When suddenly I feel someone jerk me into the bathroom.

" Eden I need you to do me a favor can you please hold on to this " Sam ask holding a bottle with a clear liquid in it

I look at him then at the bottle before answering " give it here and don't get mad if it's gone when you get it back "

Sam chuckles as he hand me the bottle as I place the bottle in my bag and walk out into the chaotic hallway and straight outside with everyone else. I decided to just go home it wasn't like my dad would notice.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05 ⏰

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