ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔼𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥

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As I explained to Torres and the spawns about Robin, I can't explain why but my heart is practically jumping out of my chest whenever Torres smiles. It's like he has a spell over my heart, controlling it to his movements and his alone. I also can't explain why my hands had itched over the steak knife onto the table, wanting to throw it right at Jason's heart killing him again. Why my heart burst into flames when Torres said that red hood was his favorite, Maybe I'm dying and being around Torres is making it worse than it needs to be. I'll ask Selina about it later since I don't want to see Grayson just yet.

". . .Hey Wayne boy? are you alright, Mr.alfred brought out the food but you didn't eat yet" Torres whispered, Essentially snapping me from out of my thoughts. My eyes looked around at the table and saw everyone had started to eat except for the Siblings.

"Tch, Neither have you Torres." My voice came out low as I looked into his eyes, from the corner of my eyes I could see the spawns looking up at him but he made no movement to look back at them. Instead his eyes focused on me.

"You didn't eat yet. So we made no move to eat too." His voice was smooth, soft, but also commanded authority and respect. I was the first to break eye contact, picking up the fork on my left and taking a bite of my salad. Chewing it slowly then swallowing it before speaking again.

"There Torres, it's safe to eat." I looked into Andromeda's eyes as I spoke, my voice harsh and sharp like a deadly knife. But Andromeda only smiled and gave the spawns a small nod of his head before they started to eat. They took small portions, specifically the kids. I noticed they didn't take kid friendly items, instead the spawns got exactly what Torres got. My eyes stared at them with curiosity in them, Alfred had prepared kid friendly options for a reason.

"You know it's rude to stare at a guest Wayne boy, or did you forget?" Torres wasn't even looking at me, he must've felt my gaze on him. I didn't speak for a minute, but when I did it seemed to have taken him by surprise.

"There's kid friendly options on the table, you know that Torres. Why do they get exactly what you get? It's strange" I looked at them all, my facial expression must've been less scary than normal because he didn't look at me like he just got caught burying a body, No. He looked at me like I was a cat waiting for food, and my food in this case, was answer's.

"aren't you a curious wayne, well it's because i know my brothers so well to the point that they don't eat kid dinners. They are very. . Picky, so whatever I eat, they will too." I thought Torres was going to lie, but he didn't. He told me the truth and nothing beside the truth.

"Tch" That was my only response, I couldn't think of anything else to say so my brain did it for me. There was an unnatural feeling building up in my chest inside my heart, like I had felt bad for what I said. Like a ton of bricks were thrown at my heart. While in my thoughts I had practicality drowned out the rest of the conversation, till my father said the worst thing imaginable.

"So Andromeda, correct? How long have you been acquainted with damian." My father's voice stood out from the rest of my siblings. He spoke with his 'answer me now' voice, So I was plenty surprised when Torres looked over at me. I hid my initial shock and slightly nodded my head, only then did he speak to father.

"Well sir, i've known him since the start of the school day!" Torres answered, a smile on his face as he wiped the corner of spawn one's mouth with a napkin and then used the same one to wipe spawn two's hands.

"And he brought you here? just what did you do"

"I gave him a helping hand, so I was going to get detention for being late. And Mrs.bell lord bless her soul, said I could escape it if I show the new student around! So I did just that but I also missed dinner in the process, so I said 'you better take me to dinner after this' as a joke but he actually did it.. and oh crumbs, ma is probably so worried right now!"

♡♤ 𝑶𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒖𝒑𝒐𝒏 𝒂 𝒅𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓 ♤♡Where stories live. Discover now