Chapter 9 - Confrontational

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'Yeah, that's why the convention was cancelled and we're here instead of the hotel,' Alfonso said. Matteo sat rigid in his chair, his mouth tight. He looked to Rita like a lost little boy; he kept shaking his head, fiddling with a string on his hoodie.

'I thought you knew it was cancelled? Did you not know - Federico didn't tell you? I guess it's not been on the news yet,' Alfonso said in a quiet voice.

'I didn't know,' Matteo said, gritting his teeth. 'I left last night. I was actually going to go back this morning. But I've been asleep most of the day. I - I didn't get much sleep last night. I didn't know it was actually cancelled. You didn't seem to like it. I thought you just bailed on it.' His shock seemed genuine.

But there was something else. Some sort of defensive tightness in his voice.

'Who died,' Matteo mumbled. Rita hadn't looked at the news, so she had no idea if the name would have been released yet. She doubted the Spanish news would have reported it anyway. Besides, she only checked a few times a week; her mental health was shot enough without doomscrolling to add to the horror.

But enough people already knew. Telling someone who would have been at the convention and found out anyway wouldn't make a difference.

And this wasn't Spain. She wasn't at work.

'Erica Scott,' Rita said. 'The woman who you pointed out. The one who was in that podcast.' Matteo looked at her, stunned.

'No. That can't be. It's not possible.' He said the words angrily. His eyes blazed.

'A woman found her. I called the police and waited till they arrived,' Rita said, the memory still fresh in her mind. 'It was around 2:30.'

'No,' Matteo gasped, turning pale. 'No. No...' His shoulders shook and he let out a loud, keening howl of despair. His face crumpled. The device slipped from his hand and he followed it, sliding onto the floor. He took several gasping, sucking breaths.

'Erica,' he sobbed.

Whatever reaction Rita had expected it wasn't this. Sobbing on the ground, Matteo appeared utterly desolate. Inconsolable. He thrashed his arms on the carpet. His cheeks were streaked with tears as sobs wracked his whole body.

'Why wouldn't she see,' he sobbed. 'Those guys. Her cousin. Why wouldn't she see they were no good for her? I would have loved her. I would have taken care of her. Why wouldn't she let me love her? I left her alone. I did what everyone said. And now I couldn't stop it. I couldn't stop it and she's dead.'

Rita placed an awkward hand on his back. As she did so, Federico came back with the pizzas. His expression shifted, turned worried as he saw his son sobbing on the carpet.

'What do you mean?' Rita said.

'She called me a stalker. They told me to stay away - her and that - that druggie she was with.' Matteo let out another sob. 'I wasn't a stalker. I loved her. I just wanted her - I wanted her to see it. I wanted her to see that she - that she'd be better off with me.'

'You contacted her?' Rita said gently, touching his arm, keeping her voice calm although a tidal wave of nausea washed over her.

'She, actually, contacted me first,' Matteo coughed, tears still streaming. 'On Instagram. She liked one of my posts and said it had brightened her day. I DM'd her and we talked for a bit. I told her I found her the most amazing woman. And - and that I was in love with her. And then - she stopped replying.'

'How many times did you contact her,' Rita said.

'I don't know. Loads. I sent her loads of messages. I knew she read some of them because sometimes she'd make jokes about the same sort of memes I'd sent her on her show. It was the way she said things. I just knew.'

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