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"it's your favourite couple, back on vanity fair for another lie detector test!" you say with a flourish. this time, you and walker are sitting side by side in front of the interviewer, both hooked up to a lie detecting machine.

"will this video make us break up or keep us together? keep watching to find out," walker adds in a deep voice like a news announcer, pointing at the camera. you give him a dramatic shove and he grabs his arm, pretending to be injured.

"no breaking up allowed," you say sternly.

"guys, help, she won't let me leave," he pleads jokingly. you shoot him a glare.

"don't make me shove you again," you warn teasingly.

the questions begin.

"what are your biggest pet peeves of each other?"

you both look down at your laps, thinking. your heart thumps in your chest.

"when we're sharing a blanket and she takes most of it," walker says.


"he makes me jog to keep up with his stride when we're walking," you admit.

"if didn't stop growing then it wouldn't be a problem," walker quips.


the interviewer asks another question before you launch into an insult. "who was your first kiss? walker first."

"uh, a castmate," walker says, avoiding your eyes for some reason. "we were rehearsing for a scene for a movie a few years ago."

you kept your face expressionless. you hadn't talked about this yet, though you had a hunch who it was. some part of you wanted to be his first.

"that's a lie," the machine man quips and walker turns red. you swivel your head to look at him curiously. who was this mystery girl, then? you'd have to pester someone else later. perhaps leah knows...

the interviewer directs their eyes towards you and you clear your throat. "for me it was a guy at a school dance."

"what school?" walker jokes, trying to trick you into doxxing yourself. you slap him on the arm.

"who's the better actor?" the interviewer asks.

"walker wins this one for sure," you say, glad to lighten the mood. "he has way more experience and did theatre in school while i was busy gaming my life away on camera."

"yeah, i'll have to agree with y/n on this one," walker nods. "though i have to say she's very talented for only a few years into acting."

"both truths," the machine man says and you beam at walker.

the next question was, "favourite thing about each other?"

you squeeze his hand under the table. "he remembers everything i say and shows it through action, it's really sweet."

walker follows up with his. "the way she brightens my day without even trying. and, i've never had someone care about me as much as she does."

you tackle him into a side hug, a pink blush forming on your cheeks.

"favourite date you've been on?"

"the time we went star gazing, that was super cool," you gush. "it was so clear out and you could even see mercury that day we went."

"oh yeah, that was awesome," walker agrees. "but for me, it would be getting to see different cities together during the press tour for percy jackson. we had a nice time roaming the streets."

"it's registering as a lie," the machine man says and walker peers at him quizzically.

"i- what-" he starts, genuinely confused. then realisation dawns on him. "ohhh.."

"what?" you nudge him.

"that was a pg-13 answer," he says, looking at you and laughing. you laugh too.

"you are an idiot," you scold. "you need to cleanse your mind."

"those statements are both the truth," machine man says and you both giggle more.

"what was your first thought when you met each other?"

"i was like, 'man, i want to be best friends with her'," walker admits, nodding. "she was fun to be around, and we always have a good time."

"well, we became a little bit more than friends, huh?" you laugh.

"yeahhh, just a little," walker says sarcastically.

"anyway," you say, answering the question "i thought he was intimidating, because he had already acted before, but he was super chill," you answer. you share a fond look with walker until the interviewer clears their throat and you snap back to attention. you had forgotten they were there.

"how does walker feel about y/n's potential love interest in the show?"

this question seems to stump walker for a moment. "i don't mind it, i guess..."

"thats a lie," machine man says. you raise your eyebrows at walker, suppressing a laugh.

"uh, i mean it would feel strange because its not me. i don't know if i'd be super on board with filming that, but acting is acting, so..." he shrugs. "i'd try my best to seperate character from real life."

"truth," machine man confirms.

you don't see me grumbling about percabeth, you think to yourself.

"alright, final question for walker. y/n or ryan reynolds?"

walker lapses into silence, a long pause stretching out.

"it should not be taking this long," you exclaim. "there's quite an obvious answer here!" you throw up your hands in exasperation.

you raise your eyebrows at walker, awaiting his reply. he smirks at you mischeviously, as if he wants to say ryan instead of you.

"we're breaking up if you pick ryan," you say jokingly.

"lie," the machine man says.

"hey! don't listen to him," you say, covering your hands over walker's ears.

walker stares directly into the camera. "ryan, if you're watching this... i am so sorry. but i'm sure you'll understand. i'm gonna have to pick y/n." he shrugs sheepishly. "i'm still your biggest fan, though!" he promises.

"that's what i thought," you say smugly, crossing your arms.

"i only said ryan's name because you were gonna leave me."

"another lie," the machine man points out.

[ author's note ]

rly liked the lie detector concept so i made another one hope u enjoyed :D

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