1. Lost For Words

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Authors note: this book is the second book in the promise series, if you wish to get context for this one, read the first book, The One That Got Away.

1 | Billie Joe

"Again!" Jim shouts, groaning from his comfy loveseat. "Back straight, Armstrong!" He growls, stuffing his face with another protein bar.

I'm all for protein bars, in fact, I can't get enough of the things, but three in one go cannot be healthy.

"Go fuck yourself." I snap back, straightening my spine to attempt more crunches. He snarls sarcastically, "Ooh, don't get your panties in a twist!" he mocks, standing up to get a better look at my form.

I roll my eyes, "Your not the one having to do this shit for the four hundredth time." I keep my posture as straight as I can as he checks me, "Yeah" He shrugs "But I have to watch you, and I think thats even worse. I mean, who fucks up on crunches that many times? Its fuckin' easy! Hell, you haven't even done one crunch yet! You're still figuring out how to sit without slouching!" He chuckles "Didn't you learn this in kindergarten, Armstrong?"

This guy is pissing me off.

When I said to Wren that I'd get stronger, I meant it. Not just mentally, but physically as well. And, of course, I don't gravitate towards the gym. A bunch of sweaty dudes and arrogant women? Yeah, no thanks. Instead, I hired a personal trainer. And my god is he difficult to work with.

Right now, getting screamed at by dudes who want to take over the peice of shitty machinery I'm using sounds like heaven.

"You try it then, asshole." I snarl, to which Jim smiles and plants his ass on the floor of his clean, plant-filled office. He places his feet flat in front of him until his knees stick up, then he extends his torso downwards, then back up again.

"See? Not so hard is it, Armstrong?" He gives me a shit-eating grin, before standing back up again. Gritting my teeth in reserved anger, I snap, "I was doing that!"

"Heh, no, you weren't. Your spine was all curved and your knees are too far out. Your basically just lying down then sitting up! Thats not a crunch!"

Flicking my eyes over to the clock hung up against the wall, I silently beg for time to pass faster, before I straighten my back, tuck in my knees and crunch.

"Nope!" He shouts, I sit back up, my anger overflowing. "Dude, you sure you aint got scoliosis or somethin'? That back of yours is bent out of shape! If I was your lady-friend, I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole!"

"Thanks for the confidence" I snarl, wanting to curl up into a ball and dissappear.

"Well, thats time!" He claps his hands and sits at his bamboo desk. Yeah, thats right, its a fucking desk made out of bamboo. I'm suprised Jim's nametag doesn't read 'Pretentious Wanker'.

"Look, if you wanna improve, you gotta practice in your own time. Remember what you put as your personal goal?"

Unfortunately, I do remember, and I was stupid enough to put the truth - wanting to strengthen up for Wren - instead of just wanting to keep healthy or something normal. "Yeah." I grumble under my breath."

"Well, you're never gonna get to it if you don't start putting in the work after hours! I know you don't like me, but I'm your only shot at getting laid, okay?"

If he thinks I only want Wren for her body, he can go to hell.

"Hey-" I begin to speak, but then I'm interrupted by Jim, "Buddy, I'm just saying whats on everyones mind right now. I mean, you're not getting anywhere 'till you figure out the basics. Just...think about it okay?" He walks me to the door, showing me out. "See you on Thursday, buddy."

Before I can once again call him an asshole, this time in honor of Wren, he slams the door on my face, leaving me out in the hallway. Not alone, because his young secretary is sat at her desk, very obviously processing the loud conversation her boss and I just had.

I could care less, though, as tonight it's Wren and I's weekly meetup. Usually, we sit on the rooftop of her apartment complex, our legs dangling from the edge, sharing some snacks. But tonight, we organised a movie theatre date, and I can't wait.

Unfortunately, they aren't really 'dates' as, I feel like with every step closer, we take two back. Like, she isn't letting me in within her heart, like she still doesn't trust me. She'll go to tell me something, then whisper 'nevermind' or she'll go to touch me then pull away. It's painful, to say the least.

But, I like the pain.


I tried to update murder city and i just...could not...i literally almost fell asleep bro the plot is sooo boring for me now, i will finish it soon but like...i cba rn.

anyways!!!! what are yalls thoughts on this chapter??? lmk!!!

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