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Saturn Avalon

Name: Saturn Sauri Avalon.

B-Gender: Female.

Age: 17 years.

Skin colour/origin: Vitiligo/Celtic.

Race: Elfern Being

Looks: tall, 5 '10, elegant long white hair, fanged, canine teeth looking smile, with soft, emotionless eyes.

Scent: Maybe wet leaves on a fresh autumn day. Some nice cologne, or the smell of flowers and fresh dew. Sometimes the smell of organs?

Job(s): Waitress/entertainment at the bar section/banquet hall of the Hellfire club, badass slightly emotionless bartender who won't hesitate to throw a claw or a rusted metal knife straight past your ear.

Partner(s): Never have and never will. She's not interested in it, but she knows she's no one for saucy guys who think they own the world. She's a real sapphic but just doesn't know it yet (already shipping her and Zaffy lmao-)
Scar(s): Scars from the fight with those noblemen. On her arms, back and chest, and a few on her legs. They're faded shadows by now, but she got them.

Allergies: Peanut Butter, Human chocolate, silver.

Type of Music: Rock, Metal, and Vocaloids.
Wears: She normally wears baggy pants along with a loose top and white shoes, otherwise she's wearing a black Victorian looking dress, long in the back and short in the front with black, blood soaked stockings.
Can speak: English & Swedish.
Accent: British
Mood: Slightly emotionless, stoic

Humor: Dark, really dark sensitive humor type.
Crying type: She doesn't even know she cries and when she does.

Breakdown song: N/A

Jewelry: Long earrings that have a huge but slim rhombus shape (⧫) made out of some type of black gem.

Guilty Pleasures: Pretending to die in front of people who care for her >:)

Favorite Quote: "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings when I called you stupid. I really thought you already knew."

Pets: 5 cats named, lydia, sydia, mydia, jydia and kydia
Childhood friends: Sarah and Maia, two werewolf females from her pack. Also a random guy she befriended on the slave ship, whom she never saw again. Same with her other two friends.

Spends Daily: Not much but not less, average
Prefers: Forest and wilderness, but likes cozy cubby holes too. A small apartment with pillows everywhere, with a bedroom that's forest themed with a small bookshelf and space for plants? That's the dream.
Phobias: People not caring about her power. She can make them do whatever she wants when they're fearful, but if they don't care about her threats or power, she has no power at all. Fear of being forgotten, again.
Political View: She fucking hates politics and thinks its stupid, dumb, and overall useless. Which is true
Childhood food: Often raw animals, as she lived in the wild with her pack. But they were part human too, so a good souvide'd and marinated whole lamb is the good stuff for her, but from time to time She eats chocolate not the human ones because she's an animal/werewolf, still a wolf/dog, but she does eat dog chocolate.
Biggest regret: Not protecting her pack before the noblemen took her.
Sexualitiy: Panromantic lesbian; loves women like nothing else (but doesn't know it) and likes people more by their personality, especially when it comes to guys. But women oh lord she like them women amiright.

Would never do: Go one day without causing bloodshed or killing someone

Would do if there was a chance: N/A

Would always do: Brutally kill someone

Hidden secrets: N/A

Family relationship status: Hatred.

Relatives: Sister, Mother, Father, Little brother, Grandma

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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