Steve Rogers Character Biography

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『 Real Name 』
Steven Grant Rogers

『 Date of Birth 』

『 Place of Birth 』
Space Colony, Ark

『 Species 』
Human (genetically tampered)

『 Gender 』

『 Sexuality 』

『 Relatives 』
Sarah Rogers (deceased mother)
Joseph Rogers (deceased father)
Peggy Rogers (deceased twin sister)

『 Friends And Enemies 』
Wanda Maximoff (wife)
Pietro Maximoff (brother in law)
Sharon Carter (best friend)
James Howlett (best friend)
Bucky Barnes (best friend)
Nick Fury (friend on the ark)
Carol Danvers (close friend)
Yelena Belova (close friend)
Sam Wilson (close friend)
Tony Stark (rival and friend)
Reed Richards (doctor and close friend)
T'Challa (close friend)
Natasha Romanoff (close friend)
Abraham Erskine (father figure)
Bruce Banner (friend)
Simon Williams (enemy)
Jericho Drumm (enemy)
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『 Eyes 』
Blue eyes

『 Hair colour and hairstyle 』
Dirty blonde with long hair (usually tied up into a pony tail/man bun)

『 Height 』

『 Weight 』
220 lbs

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In an alternate universe parallel to the main one this Steve Rogers was born as the younger twin of Peggy Rogers both sharing multiple disorders and problems at birth, Sarah Rogers their mother is eventually told by the Government that they can be treated at a facility hidden from the world in space which is extremely advanced, but at the cost of the not being able to see their children growing up or even seeing them ever again. Sarah and her husband Joseph reluctantly agree for the twins to be treated as they say their goodbyes.

Over the next few years Steve is treated, however there are many unsuccessful attempts which leads the scientist leading the project, Abraham Erskine to do something immoral. He meets with the demonic elder Chthon who cures Steve with his blood and gives Steve his chaos magic, essentially making him his offspring leading to all of his deficiencies being cured by Erskine but Peggy's aren't. Steve eventually meets his sister for the first time, however she suffers from many illnesses which make her weak and frail and she needs constant attention, despite this she loves her little brother (even if she is only older by 5 minutes).

They always spend time together when she isn't being treated. However Steve as well as being cured was genetically tampered with by Erskine leading him to have powers no human could ever posses leading the military to fear him and eventually shutting down the colony for this reason along with Erskine getting Chthon and the demons involved in Steve's creation leading them to kill Peggy in the process, in her final moments Peggy releases Steve who was put in a cryo-stasis pod to earth as he promises to protect humanity.

Erskine enraged by the loss of Peggy who he treated like daughter tampers with Steve's memories while he is in stasis but is being monitored by S.H.I.E.L.D. Steve now has false memories so when woken up he will enact revenge on the world. In the future Steve is found by Abraham's grandson, Jacob, Steve is awoken and the 2 plan to take over the world. After being awoken S.H.I.E.L.D decides to send their best agent, Sharon Carter to uncover what Jacob and Steve are up to, at this point Steve believes that his sisters dying wish was for him to avenge her which is what he begins to do attacking the military and S.H.I.E.L.D alike. Pietro Maximoff, Vision and Logan Howlett team up to try and stop Jacob and Steve, eventually this leads to many scuffles between them and eventually leads to Jacob powering up a canon which he threatens to fire if the people of Earth don't surrender to his rule.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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