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This is HEAVILY based on object shows. If you haven't watched an object show before you won't understand this at all

So this is just a silly place for stories of my characters. The team names make no sense until you know how they were picked and messed up that bad so bare with me lol.

Hosts: Sketchysoda and Amethyst


 Liver Lovers: Strawberry Pillow, Bee Pin, Moon Keychain, Bookmark, Slushie, Magnifying Glass, Coffee, Apple Juice

Awedifference: Orange, Lamp, Hypno, Shape-o, Jam, Lipstick, Fidget hourglass, Picnic Basket

Glob: Aibo, Scraggle, Honk, Shelf, Bandaid, Toy Boat, Shoe, Hydrangea

Confusing characters: Hypno is glasses with a swirl design, just search it up if confused. Shape-O: A shape that can switch between forms, main form is a triangle algebralien, Jam is a piece of Jam on toast similar to Goo from Inanimate Insanity, Aibo is a stupid looking alien plush and Scraggle is Aibo's translator, an alien tv. Honk is a clown nose and Hydrangea is a type of flower. Coffee is conjoined twins basically, a cup and the coffee inside of the cup are both alive. 

Without further ado let's get into this madness. Also I'm fairly ok at writing but don't expect anything special, i'm not experienced with this type of stuff.

random stories for tsoas (my object show that isn't out yet..)Where stories live. Discover now