eyes full of stars

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"How'd the date go?" Barty teased as Regulus picked up the video call. Lily had driven them to the movie theater, and then insisted on driving him home because it was a far walk, so it was now close to dinner time. His parents hadn't cared when he said he'd be gone for the afternoon; they only cared if it meant he wouldn't be at dinner.

He'd texted the group chat with his friends that he'd finally made it home, and Barty called him immediately. Evan was apparently there in the background, but Regulus couldn't see him onscreen. It was typical of the two to hang out without Regulus, but he didn't mind much because when the three of them hung out, he usually ended up just feeling like a third wheel anyways. He preferred being their friend from a distance, and if he really did need to be around people, he still had Dorcas and Pandora, though they weren't as close to him.

"It went good." He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Um. We're dating now? I think?"

Barty let out a loud whoop, and Regulus winced as his phone speakers blared. "Oh I'm so proud of you." He wiped away a fake tear. "Our baby boy us finally growing up!"

"Oh, shut up," Evan grumbled, taking Barty's phone from him. "What did you guys do?"

Regulus shrugged. "We got coffee, then saw a movie. It turns out she did not actually want to study."

Barty cackled in the background. "I knew it!"

Evan rolled his eyes good-naturedly, smiling. "I'm glad things went well! You two would look so good together."

Regulus wrinkled his nose at the idea of actually dating someone - really, the biggest issue they may have is Lily having to meet his parents eventually. He was sure they'd make a beautiful couple - she was a very pretty girl, and he knew it sounded a bit egotistical of him to say it, but he knew he was objectively attractive. If Sirius was, and he looked like him, well..

He just hoped that he and Lily were able to be convincing enough as a couple that they wouldn't need to kiss. Ever. Maybe if they actually do get married, (that was mostly a joke, but he couldn't deny that it's a great idea) then they would kiss, but that was only one time. He could do one.

Throughout dinner with his family, Sirius included, he debated on bringing her up. He decided it was definitely too early to bring her up to his parents, because they'd insist on meeting her, which meant that she would have to be there at his house, while his parents were also there. Bad idea for everyone involved, because they have not yet figured out what their situation should look like in public, and they truly don't know much about each other. Sirius was looking at him expectantly when they were dismissed from the table, gesturing for him to go into Sirius' room with him once they were up the stairs, out of sight of their parents.

Regulus begrudgingly followed, because he knew Sirius would throw a hissy fit if he didn't. Sirius sat on his bed, against the headboard, and waved him over. Regulus closed the door behind him, and sat down on the bed a couple feet away from his brother.

"Soooo, how'd it gooo?" Sirius asked, grinning wide. Regulus scrunched his nose at the expression. It wasn't often that such a genuine smile was directed at Regulus, and upon closer inspection, it seemed a little wooden.

"It went fine," Regulus muttered. He knew Sirius would tell Potter the outcome, if that Marlene hadn't heard already from Lily. "I.. I was wrong about it not being a date."

"Aha! I knew it!" Sirius laughed. "What'd you get up to? I wanna know everything."

Regulus shrugged. "Just got coffee, then saw a film. Nothing particularly special."

Sirius groaned. "You are the worst person to get details from. Did she like you? Are you going on another date?"

Regulus shrugged again. "She's nice. We.. um.. she wanted to go on another. So I agreed."

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