"If you think Rick is the problem, I guess you don't know what I'm fucking capable of you asshole." - Rhea Dixon
"I guess I do have more balls even than you Shane." - Rhea Dixon
"I'm a Dixon. And I've been through a lot more hell than any of you ev...
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The door was slammed open and the six people streamed in. Rick, T-Dog, Rhea, Daryl, Carl and Xander. They ran into a house and Rhea let an arrow pierce through a walker head, making it slack to the wooden floor with a hollow thump. Glass smashed as T-Dog rammed a poker through the brain of another walker.
Daryl entered the house, crossbow already trained and aiming at anything that had the possibility of moving. Carl and Xander behind him sprinting in, watching out for anything dangerous. The three teenagers and Rick took right, while Daryl took left with T-dog.
Rick walked in front of them with his python aimed ahead. Rhea walked into the kitchen seeing that the family before the turn must of been cooking something before shit flew. There was rotten food on the stove followed by open cans and open cabinets.
Rick turned when he heard something and aimed his gun only to see the younger Dixon, who was unfazed by a gun in her face. Relaxed, Rick nodded meaning sorry and she nodded back not caring. Her graze went to the door making the older Grimes looked over also knowing they had to know what was there.
He carefully crept towards the door before pulling the handle only to reveal Daryl. Like Rick, Daryl had his crossbow aimed also having a feeling someone was on the other side.
When he saw who it was, he laughed to the two with a nod of approval. Rick went somewhere else to check the house while the Dixons went upstairs checking the rooms.
They carefully walking up the stairs. Daryl opened the door to a red room instantly seeing an owl perched up on a rocking chair. It cooed silently to itself not scared of the crossbow man holding the weapon or the girl aiming her bow.
They released at the same time, but it was Rhea that walked down the stairs holding the owl proudly. She looked up seeing Maggie and Glenn coming over, she smiled to the young couple.
Rick whistled to the others to the entrance, Carol, Beth, Hershel and Lori walk in. Rhea noticed how Rick wouldn't even look at his wife and she understood his anger but she was pregnant.
Relatively pregnant now. Her stomach was round almost lifting her shirt. She had to always put a hand under her stomach to support the baby being produced inside.
The girl's gaze turned to Hershel seeing his hair deformed and beard growing. Everyone looked different the past eight months since the farm.
Carl was now almost as tall as Rhea and Xander was more buff than before. He was much bigger and stronger now.
Rick closed the front gates to the house while everyone in the living room relaxed a bit.
Rhea sat on the floor criss crossed next to Daryl's leg while he plucked the owl watching Carl walk into the room making everyone's head turn to what was in his hand.
Dog food.
Everyone watched either sadly or jealous that he found some type of food.
Rick heard the sound of the can opener being used and turned seeing what his son was doing. He stalked over, grabbed the can while giving his youngest son a glare. Rick read the front of the can before throwing it loudly into the fireplace causing a few to jump.